We wrote this for the Spring Harvest All Age venue, Skegness 2022, and then revised it for our book Whole Church Worship in 2024. Both versions are available.


Teach the “come in” response, then just announce each action as you go.


However you travelled here today, 

[mime the way you travelled here or wish you had: car, bike, helicopter, surfboard etc…]

Jesus says: “Come in!” [one arm drawing in]


However you’re feeling here today, 

[mime the way you feel: tired, joyful, scared, curious, etc…]

Jesus says: “Come in!” [one arm drawing in]


If you feel like making noise,

[everyone make noise (drums too)]

Jesus says: “Come in!” [one arm drawing in]


If you feel like being quiet,

[everyone say a soft “shhhhhh”]

[whisper] Jesus says: “Come in!” [one arm drawing in]


If you’re celebrating something great,

[arms up shout “hooray”]

Jesus says: “Come in!” [one arm drawing in]


If you’ve made some big mistakes,

[raise hands and say “whoops”]

Jesus says: “Come in!” [one arm drawing in]


If you want to meet with Jesus,

[push finger into palms as sign of Jesus]

Jesus says: “Come in!” [one arm drawing in]


He longs to restore, renew and rebuild us,

[hold out hands to receive, pause here a moment]

… Jesus says: “Come in!” [one arm drawing in]

[FINAL STANZA 2024 version:]

He joins us here as we gather together,

[hold out hands to receive, pause here a moment]

… Jesus says: “Come in!” [one arm drawing in]