Worship Jobs
Welcome to our Worship Jobs noticeboard!
This space is for churches in the UK to promote worship-related work vacancies. Worship positions might include musical, creative, contemplative or production roles. We will currently not accept general pastoral roles, nor positions outside of church contexts. At the moment we're only taking adverts from within the UK.
If you're looking for guidance around recruiting worship employees, see our new series of articles which will:
- help you reflect before advertising,
- give advice on advertising and interviewing, and then
- some thoughts on inducting your successful applicant.
If you are hiring and would like to share your job here, please email us at info@engageworship.org. Currently we don't charge for advertising space here, so do get in touch to share your job opportunities.
Engage Worship and the Music and Worship Foundation offer this free space as a resource to our users. We cannot be held responsible for the content of any roles, nor for any candidates that apply. We reserve the right to reject adverts for any reason.
Musician, Wellspring Wembley
We are looking for a Christian singer who can play keyboard or acoustic guitar to regularly assist our worship leader on Sunday mornings and to lead worship when she is not available.
Please contact us on leaders@wellspringwembley.org with some information about yourself and we will arrange a meeting (Zoom or WhatsApp) to discuss time; payment; terms and conditions.
Music Leader (part-time), St Mary's Speldhurst
We are looking for a Christian who will enthusiastically encourage our church family in our musical worship (from traditional organ-based to more modern worship) and also to involve members of our wider community in musical events such as our Christmas choir which is open to all.
Salary: £15 per hour (in the range of £2000 per annum) depending on skill and experience – precise terms and conditions to be agreed.
Further details and application form available from Julie Pinnell via admin@speldhurstchurch.org
Singer-songwriter / Worship Leader, St Richard's Charlton
Are you London-based singer-songwriter with experience leading worship? We are looking for someone like you. We are creating a new contextual congregation in SE London (Royal Borough of Greenwich) and are looking for a small pool of artists who are looking to earn some extra income to compliment their wider music ambitions.
The church we are gathering is distinctly local in flavour and arranged to meet people who are new to faith or returning to faith. We see music as key to this and many we have met already have come through our leader’s existing music industry links, both locally and beyond. We hold 2 church gatherings a month at present, an intergenerational one and an acoustic prayer and worship one both currently in the afternoon. We also hold monthly concerts bringing up and coming singer-songwriters from across London/UK to a local audience as a community building initiative.
Both Sundays and the gigs would be paid but we are looking for one or two people who can be called upon to lead on the Sundays (dates planned in advance). You would need a good awareness of contemporary worship music, the sensitivity to lead smaller groups and larger ones and an interest in helping to develop a different expression of church. Would love to find someone local but happy for you to travel. There is no expectation that you ‘join’ our church but you would be paid for using your skills to help us do what we feel God has called us to hear.
To register interest or apply contact owen.morgan@charlton.church providing some basic information about you and details to arrange a meeting/phone conversation.