"This book is both practical and inspiring, reassuring and provocative, relevant and counter cultural. Sam and Sara will make you think about rest differently and inspire you to find new inspiration in the moments your mind is able to pause and your body relax." Kate Middleton, Mind and Soul Foundation

The Rest Is Worship explores how we can rest to the glory of God, and how our times of worship can be places where we are restored and renewed by him. It is written for anyone who wants to delve into how "being still" can help us to "know God", and how we can reject the rush and hurry of our contemporary world (and our contemporary church). 

Download the first three chapters for free here.

We have just produced a free Small Group Guide, to help you lead a group in exploring this book. We imagine your group reading The Rest Is Worship at home and then coming together to discuss and engage with the themes over a six week period such as Lent. We have included gathering ideas, Bible discussion, reflective activities and questions for application.

Download the Small Group Guide for free here.

The book is based on Sara & Sam's experience of responding to Jesus' invitation to rest in their everyday lives and also when leading gathered worship. There are sections on Sabbath, fun, solitude, digital discipleship, saying "no" and many other practical aspects of rest, intertwined with biblical teaching, stories and examples. The final part of the book looks at rest in gathered worship.

It is arranged in 40 short chapters, so could work as a daily Lent book, or engaged with at whatever pace works for you. We've printed the text of prayers, song lyrics and other reflective resources to help you respond worshipfully. The book is beautifully illustrated by Gemma Scharnowski.

If you are a worship leader, pastor, or you lead services, we also suggest getting the accompanying Leaders' Resource eBookThis contains guidance for leading restful worship, and free download access to new songs, PowerPoints and other resources. It also contains a sketch for a six week service series you could run in Lent, or another time of year.

If you'd like to buy The Rest Is Worship as physical or PDF eBooks for your small group, friends, or your whole church, we're offering generous bulk discounts. The PDF licences give you permission to email or print out as many as you pay for, at increasingly reduced prices.

40 Day Contemplative Calendar

10 Episode Podcast on these themes

Leaders' Resource eBook for leading services