This book is now PDF only, we don't stock the physical copies.

Simple Worship is a unique resource book, designed to help Sunday gatherings and small-groups engage with God in simple, sustainable and deep ways. This 68 page, A5 full-colour book features chapter introductions on the following topics:

  • Simple Small-Group Worship
  • Simple Sunday Worship
  • Simple Sung Worship
  • Simple Contemplative Worship

These chapter intros are followed with a host of usable worship ideas. Themes include using the Psalms, the Lord's Prayer, creativity, silence, and contemplative disciplines such as Lectio Divina. Each of these aims to help you strip away some of the overly-complicated stuff we pile on top of our "worship", to focus out attention on Jesus, listen for his "still, small voice" and to "be still and know that he is God".

This book follows the format of our "Outdoor Worship" title, with an engaging visual design style. It includes usable prayers, reflections, sheet music, and contains links to further free downloadable material. Each chapter ends with questions for reflection or discussion, so you could use the book in a small group or personal devotion time.

PDF licence - pay for download licence to allow your small group, worship team or other church group to download electronic versions (or print in-house). Save money the more you buy.

"Insightful, wonderfully practical and hugely creative, this provides us with essential tools for all sorts of contexts. A must-have book!"
Jason and Rachel Gardner

"Simple, yes. But this incredible resources is not 'lite' or shallow. Your small group, youth group or church will encounter God in fresh, meaningful and formative ways."
Jeremy Perigo, former Head Of Music and Worship at London School of Theology

As with our "Outdoor Worship" book, the creation of this resource has been generously supported by Rural Ministries. Check out their networks, training and resources at

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