These are now available as PDF only, we no longer stock the physical books. SALE - discounted to £4 until the end of May '23.

Alternatively, we recommend you check out Worship in the Woodswith 10 sessions of outdoor worship.

Outdoor Worship is a resource book of ideas an inspiration to help mixed-age groups, families and churches engage with God in his world. This 52 page, full colour A5 book features space for your own "field notes", plus biblical reflections and articles on how we can better relate to the earth.

In his book "Sacred Pathways" Gary Thomas writes: "Where we worship can have a profound impact on the quality of our worship... leave the formal architecture and the padded pews to enter an entirely new 'cathedral', a place that God himself has built: the outdoors... getting outside can literally flood parched hearts and soften the hardest soul." (page 44).

In Outdoor Worship we have intentionally blurred the boundaries between what might be considered “leisure activities” and “spiritual practices”. For some reading this book, it will transform your walk to work or school, your holiday, or your Saturday afternoon. For others, it will take your home group, missional community, Sunday service, children's or youth meeting out of doors and into God’s creation. Whatever your context, enjoy engaging with God in his world.

PDF licence - pay for download licence to allow your small group, worship team or other church group to download electronic versions (or print in-house). Save money the more you buy.

If you like this, you might also want to check out our more recent Worship in the Woods Church Service Pack, and the Doxecology: Study Guide.

“Too many of us suffer from ‘nature deficit disorder’, both in our everyday lives and in how we worship the God of all creation. This beautifully packaged resource contains wonderful material to help us counteract that, to get outdoors and worship the living God. May you be surprised at the new life breathed into you as you give this a go!”
Dr Ruth Valerio, Churches and Theology Director, A Rocha UK

"With summer on the way, Outdoor Worship is a great companion for families or mixed age groups to break away from screens, get out into nature and engage with God's world. Each of the 23 themes has activities, worship ideas and a field notes page for jotting down discoveries. The book could be used in many ways - families on holiday, home group outings, church picnics, church family fun days.... A great resource!"
Mary Hawes, Child in the Midst

As with our "Simple Worship" book, the creation of this resource has been generously supported by Rural Ministries. Check out their networks, training and resources at

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