Bethan Newman (Youth For Christ) and Lucie Shuker (Youthscape) provide the latest research as well as practical tips on how to (re)build a post-pandemic youth ministry which goes beyond just entertainment. The conversation covers Zoom fatigue, family relationships, evangelism, creativity and many other topics. Not to be missed! As ever, Links and reflection questions can be found on

Reflection questions


1. The importance of establishing a relationship with not just the young people but also their parents was highlighted in the conversation. In your community, how could you partner with parents to support a young person’s faith development?

2. Bethan mention how ‘in the pandemic season there has been less fear over experimentation because it has been new territory for everyone.’ What could church look like for young people after the pandemic? What would work for them and enable them to participate and contribute more? 

3. Lucy makes the point how our young people have become especially attuned to suffering through the pandemic, racial injustice and the climate crisis. How, if at all, does your theology of suffering translate to young people?

4. Lucy draws attention to a range of Christian practices (Prayer, Lament, Fasting, Sabbath etc.) and how they model Christian discipleship to young people. How can your church model and invite young people into a rich(er) and authentic spiritual life?


Links & Resources

Youth For Christ Website

Youth For Christ Resources

Youth Culture Blog Podcast


Book: 'Contemplative Youth Ministry' by Mark Yanconelli