Introduction to Pause/Pray

Welcome to Pause/Pray - a collection of guided audio reflections, full of biblical truth, prayers and original music.

Season Three contains "express" prayers - short reflections around 3 minutes long you can fit into your day.

Season Two has prayers which involve our physicality - embodying our thoughts and devotion before God (if there is a movement she invites you to take that doesn't work for you, adapt to whatever you find comfortable).

We have imagined you putting on your headphones and taking a moment to be with God, wherever you find yourself. That might be as you wake up or go to sleep, on your commute to work or school, or during a coffee break or lunch time.

Aside from personal prayer, these reflections could also be used in a family devotional time, a small group or even a church service. 

To get all the latest reflections follow/subscribe to Pause/Pray on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

You can access downloadable versions by clicking on each episode below.

Here are a couple of reviews from Apple Podcasts (reviews really help spread the word, if you would like to leave us a nice one!):