I Will Worship - song background images
This is an idea we share and use a lot (it is mentioned in Whole Life Worship pages 3-4 and 150). Rather than see the song "I Will Worship" (David Ruis) as a gathering song, why not use it at the end of the service? This has the effect of sending people out to continue worshipping with their heart, soul, mind and strength.
As an addition, we have put together some background images of everyday life. You can add the text of the song over the images (access the lyrics here) and encourage people to consider the everyday contexts on Monday morning where they will be worshipping God. What does it mean to glorify him at their computer, as they make food, care for children, dig up a road or mow the lawn?
Alternatively, encourage your congregation to send in their own photos of where they work/live/have their being (their "frontlines" to use the LICC term), and use those pictures behind the words instead.
You can download the images on a PowerPoint or in a Zip file. Due to copyright we can't share the lyrics, but you can access them here.
Preview Images

Proper 10, Ordinary/Lectionary 15 (Year C)
Proper 25, Ordinary/Lectionary 30 (Year A)
Proper 26, Ordinary/Lectionary 31 (Year B)
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