This is a scripted version of the conversation between Jesus and the disciples in John 14. It reflects the honest confusion and worry of the disciples. This requires four readers/actors: Jesus, John, Peter and Thomas

Extract from the script:

Jesus: Don't look so worried, don't panic. God will help you, trust him and trust in me and what I'm telling you. In my Father's house there are many rooms and there is one for each of you - I wouldn't tell you that if it were not true. That's why I have to leave you, so that I can go and prepare those rooms for you, then, when all is ready, I will come back and take you home. You know where that is, don't you?

Peter: Yes, Lord.

John: Absolutely.

Thomas: I don't!

John: What?

Thomas: I don't know what you're talking about - and I bet these others don't either! Do you Peter?

Peter: Well...

Thomas: We have no idea where you're going so how can we follow you? Speak plainly Lord, please!

Jesus: I will for you Thomas - you're looking for the way?

Thomas: Yes!

Jesus: Well I am that way. I am the way, the truth and the life. I am going to my Father soon - and if anyone else should want to come to my Father too then they must follow me, listen to me, and obey me. Live as I have lived. If you have really known me - then you will know the Father too...

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