The Pharisee and the Tax Collector - interactive version
This is a re-telling of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector parable. You could have two actors deliver the lines and act it out with a narrator, or you could use it as involvement piece, involving the audience as follows:
Divide the congregation into two, side one must play the part of the first person, the other side the second person. The format is simple, no lines or responses to learn here, each side must simply repeat their lines of dialogue as they hear them. So, when those on side one hear the line:
The first one went inside and said confidently "Hello Lord it's me again!"
they must repeat this dialogue confidently.
When those on the second side hear their cue to say this, they must repeat it sadly.
You may like to choose two people to come out and lead each side as they repeat their lines.
The message of the story in this case is not in the words, it is in the manner of speech. I have chosen this style as it reflects the message of the sketch, that it is not whether or not we pray, it is how we pray, both men went to the temple to talk to God, but only one was forgiven.
Extract from the script:
There were once two people who went to church to pray.
The first one went inside and said confidently:
"Hello Lord, it's me again!"
The second one went inside and said sadly: "Hello Lord, it's me again."
The first one said loudly, "I bet you remember me Lord!"
The second one said quietly, "I bet you remember me Lord."
The first one looked up and said, "Look at him over there."
The second one looked down and said, "Look at him over there."
The first one said, "Lord, you know I am not like him."
The second one said, "Lord, you know I am not like him."
The first one nodded and said, "I have done so many things."
The second one shook his head and said, "I have done so many things."...
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Proper 25, Ordinary/Lectionary 30 (Year C)
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