An intergenerational worship song based on 1 Corinthians 12. The resources for this come free when you buy the Whole Church Worship resource. Alternatively, the lyric and action videos and MP3 are available for purchase here. You can also download the PowerPoint, lead sheet and chord charts for free.

My knee’s not like my elbow,
my head’s not like my hip. 
My tongue’s not like my forehead, 
and I’m okay with it.

The church is a body 
and we’re not all the same.
We’re short and tall and big and small
but one in Jesus’ name.

My thumb’s not like my pinky,
my foot’s not like my nose.
My brain’s not like my bladder
and that’s the way it goes.

The church is a body
and we’re not all the same.
We’re short and tall and big and small,
young and old and rich and poor
but one in Jesus’ name.

We come from different places,
with different points of view,
still we belong together,
you need me, I need you. 

The church is a body
and we’re not all the same.
We’re short and tall and big and small,
young and old and rich and poor,
funky, nerdy, hairy, bald
but one in Jesus’ name.

© Sam Hargreaves admin. CCLI # 7233799
Please report usage in worship on your CCLI licence.

Lead vocal: Gemma Scharnowski 
Ukelele, harmonica, guitars: Sam Hargreaves
Drums: Timo Scharnowski
Bass: Dom Butcher
Mix: Matt Weeks
Master: Luke Fellingham