This is a fun, active, all-age version of the parable of the Ten Bridesmaids (or virgins). It involves splitting the congregation into two groups, as they read lines or do actions to further the story. The PowerPoint includes art by Jorge Cocco Santángelo, used by permission.

Use the script with the accompanying PowerPoint. Before you begin, divide the congregation into two sides: left and right. The words which appear below in brackets will be said by the congregation from the screen all together, or the right or left, according to the slides. The only interaction which is not spoken is (stroke beard), which you might want to practice with the right side before the reading. Have someone move the slide on just before each of the bracketed words.

SCRIPT (download full version from link to right)

The kingdom of heaven is like what happened one night when (ten) bridesmaids took their oil lamps and went to a wedding (yippee) to meet the bridegroom (hello, handsome).  (Five) of the bridesmaids were foolish (oops) and (five) were wise (stroke beard). The foolish (oops) ones took their lamps, but no extra oil. The ones who were wise (stroke beard) took along extra oil for their lamps.

The bridegroom (hello, handsome) was late (tick tock, tick tock) arriving, and the bridesmaids became drowsy and fell asleep (zzzz). Then in the middle of the night someone shouted, (“Here’s the bridegroom. Come to meet him!”)

When the bridesmaids got up and started getting their lamps ready, the foolish (oops) ones said to the others, (“Let us have some of your oil! Our lamps are going out.”) The bridesmaids who were wise (stroke beard) answered, (“There’s not enough oil for all of us! Go and buy some for yourselves.”)

While the foolish (oops) girls were on their way to get some oil, the bridegroom (hello, handsome) arrived.  The wise (stroke beard) girls who were ready went into the wedding (yippee), and the doors were closed. Later, the other bridesmaids returned and shouted, (“Sir, sir! Open the door for us!”) But the bridegroom (hello, handsome) replied...