Solomon wanted to be wise - Interactive reading
Telling tip: Turn the "Solomon wanted to be wise" line into a kind of chorus, and have everyone say it together. Pointing to their heads, maybe.
Extract from the reading:
Solomon wanted to be wise.
The Lord appeared to him, in a dream, at Gibeon.
"I'll give you whatever you want." God said.
Solomon wanted to be wise.
"You showed your steadfast love to my father, David," he replied. "You gave him a son. And his throne has now passed to me. But when it comes to ruling your people - a people too numerous to be counted - I am like a little child."
Solomon wanted to be wise.
"That's exactly it!" he said. "I'm like a child, who doesn't even know when to come and when to go. And yet I am supposed to lead your people."
Solomon wanted to be wise.
"So train me, teach me, give me a mind capable of understanding how to rule. And show me the difference between what is wrong and what is right."
Solomon wanted to be wise.
And God was pleased with that.
"You could have asked for a long life," God said. "Or for riches, or for the deaths of all your enemies. But because you have asked for wisdom, your wish will be granted, and I will make you wiser than anyone who has come before you or anyone to follow."...
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Proper 12, Ordinary/Lectionary 17 (Year A)
Proper 15, Ordinary/Lectionary 20 (Year B)
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