Psalm 5 poem
This is a poetic version of Psalm 5:1-8, setting it in rhyming verses with a repeated chorus.
Before using this in worship, be aware that it includes content which comes directly from the psalm but may not reflect the full New Testament picture of God's love. Consider how you can frame this poem, or include teaching or discussion which allows space to wrestle with the tensions.
Extract from the poem:
Listen to my words, O Lord,
listen when I sigh.
Listen to my prayers, O God:
hear me when I cry.
For with the new day's light
I lift my voice to you.
I plead my case,
then watch and wait
to see what you will do.
Listen to my words, O Lord,
listen when I sigh.
Listen to my prayers, O God:
hear me when I cry.
For you are not a God
who smiles at what is wrong.
You turn your face
from the evil place,
that's not where you belong.
Listen to my words, O Lord,
listen when I sigh.
Listen to my prayers, O God:
hear me when I cry.
You hate the sinner and the sin,
the boastful will not stand.
The killer dies
and he who lies
will feel your red right hand.
Listen to my words, O Lord,
listen when I sigh.
Listen to my prayers, O God:
hear me when I cry.
But, through your steadfast love
I'll find a home with you.
My head I bow,
please lead me down
a path that's straight and true...
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Proper 6, Ordinary/Lectionary 11 (Year C)
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