Prayer: Powerful & Effective - stations based on James
We created these prayer stations for the PrayerHouse venue one year at Spring Harvest Skegness (see a report with links to other ideas we used here). They are all based on the book of James. They have been adapted to use in any church, prayer room or other situation. There are 10 stations here, but you could use one or any number as appropriate.
There are instruction posters for each station. Print out the posters (A3) and other A4 sheets - download by signing up or signing in and clicking on the links to the right.
1. Entering
You will need:
3 large pieces of paper.
Put up three large pieces of paper expressing James 5:13-14:
- Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray.
- Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.
- Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.
Leave space underneath for people to add their own prayers.
2. Create
You will need:
Lots of varied art materials.
Magazines for collage.
3. Mirrors
You will need:
A number of small mirrors (we bought 4 packs of from IKEA).
Permanent pens.
We wrote various "challenges" on half of our mirrors, and encouraging "truth" verses from the Bible on the other half. We attached the mirrors to the wall.
4. Withered Flowers
You will need:
A pot plant that has been neglected and looks withered.
5. Praying For Others
You will need:
Gather leaflets from various Christian ministries that your church is connected with, or that you want to pray for.
Large world map.
Battery tea-lights.
6. A Week in the Life...
You will need:
Timeline sheet (available to download).
7. Blessings
You will need:
Nice stationary (writing paper and envelopes).
Post box (make a box with a slot in it).
8. Curse or Bless?
You will need:
Print out sheets of blessings and curses on pink and green paper (download).
Cut the phrases out and arrange curses into sentences, then leave blessings in a pile.
As people move the phrases toward "blessings" you will probably need to go and reset the phrases to curses every now and again.
9. Washing
You will need:
Tray of ashes (white paper in the bottom will help).
Bowl of clean soapy water.
10. Come Near
You will need:
Print out the big footsteps, cut them out and arrange on the floor as a journey. Towards the end, create bigger footprints to represent God's feet coming the other way towards us.
Also print out the A4 "accessible" sheet for those who may struggle with mobility issues.
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Print out the posters and display.
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