Prayer for the Church
This includes the text of 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13, interspersed with prayers for the Church locally and globally. These are inspired by Paul's prayer for the Thessalonian church. There are silent spaces for the congregation to add their own prayers, and it ends with a blessing from both the reader and the pray-er.
You might want to consider how you can make it clear that one person is reading from scripture, and the other is praying in response. This could include having the reader stand at a lectern with a Bible open, or putting the Bible passages on the screen, or having the reader off-stage with a microphone.
Excerpt from the prayer:
Reader - How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you?
Leader - Father God, we thank you for the worldwide Church, that we - although many different nationalities and types of people - can be one family. We thank you for all the moments of joy that being part of your Church has brought to us. Let's pause and each thank God in our own hearts (leave some silence).
Reader - Night and day we pray most earnestly that we may see you again and supply what is lacking in your faith.
Leader - We pray that you will grow the faith of your Church, especially in those places where we are under pressure and attack. Where there is faltering faith, we thank you that you can supply what is lacking. Let's pause and each lift up a situation where we know people are struggling (leave some silence)...
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