Praise Shout
[This resource was updated in 2024 with a refreshed PowerPoint.]
This praise shout is a mash-up of Psalm 66, using both the NIV and the Message version of the Bible. A PowerPoint is provided.
Use it to start a worship time, or in the middle of a set of songs. We tend to use it sandwiched between an upbeat song; keeping the music going instrumentally during the praise shout. You may want to use it in a call-and-response fashion, with the phrases on the left being said by the leader only. Alternatively, split the congregation into two groups, one saying the words on the left and the other saying the right.
Make sure that the band, or anyone on the platform, has access to the words and can help take a lead, especially in the 'make a noise' sections when you can encourage people to do just that!
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Sixth Sunday of Easter (Year A)
Proper 9, Ordinary/Lectionary 14 (Year C)
Proper 23, Ordinary/Lectionary 28 (Year C)
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Your little problem was nothing compared to that (and we loved the chant as well - worked really well!)
I'm just back from Spring Harvest Minehead where I was on the British Sign language interpreting team. On Day 4's evening there was a DVD of Isaiah 58 to a sort of rap rhythm. My team leader interpreted this, capturing the source style brilliantly. I felt I would very much like to have a go at interpreting this myself as part of my development (I am not yet fully qualified). I asked about obtaining it and was told it was Sam Hargreaves' work. Is this likely to become available?