We revised this song for our Worship in the Waiting resource, so it now has an acoustic video and a score. If you purchase the Church Service Pack the video comes as a free download.

One day for the Lord's like a thousand years,
and a thousand years like a day.
The Lord is not late,
he is patient to wait,
so help us be ready, we pray.

God, where is the "coming" you've promised,
the time when all things are put right?
You hold back the day
Wanting all to be saved,
then you'll come like a thief in the night.

One day for the Lord...

The heavens will vanish in thunder,
as earth is consumed in the flames,
new heavens will dawn,
as the earth is reborn,
where your goodness and justice will reign.

One day for the Lord...

We'll live in the light of your coming,
awaiting the day you appear,
a people of peace
living holy and free
till your home and your heaven is here.

One day for the Lord...

Words and music © Sam Hargreaves, admin. Jubilate Hymns Ltd. copyrightmanager@jubilatehymns.co.uk Please remember to report any photocopies on your CCL license. CCLI # 7162755