This is an extended time of prayer and reflection, based on 1 John 1:1-3. Sara wrote this for a Methodist "Walk and Talk" family ministers conference which we led at, and including a few songs at the beginning it took us about 1.20 hours. You could cut it down if you needed to, or use your own songs and other elements to make it fill a whole service, small group or youth meeting. It could also work as the basis of an All-Age worship time, perhaps with shorter passages of scripture for the Lectio Divina section and a little more interactivity.

The idea is that 1 John 1 proclaims a the disciples as having a 'multisensory' experience of Jesus - they saw, heard and touched him. In a similar way, we can use all our senses to encounter Jesus today. The reflection uses touch (play-dough), smell and taste (bread and water), listening (Lectio Divina), and looking (candles), with scriptures mostly taken from John's gospel to support these images. There is a repeated 'theme prayer', and some suggestions for songs which could be included.

You can download the full leader's script as a pdf, and the PowerPoint.

As usual, feel free to adapt it for your context.