Jesus' Final Week family communion service
[This resource was updated in 2024 with a refreshed PowerPoint]
The church I belong to doesn't do much to celebrate Holy Week, which means in practice that we don't meet all together between Palm Sunday and Easter Day. I wanted to create a way to walk through Jesus' final week as a man, in one act of worship, suitable for an all-age setting.
We did this on Palm Sunday, but it might lend itself to another point in the week such as Maundy Thursday. Download the PowerPoint from the box above, and then prepare the service using the following as your starting point (obviously, it'll be best if you tailor it to suit your congregation).
Friday: smell
Reading: John 12:1-3
During this reading, and the following song, people are invited to rub the bath bomb/lavender between their fingers, and imagine the smell of the perfume poured over Jesus' feet, and also the fragrance of our prayers rising to God (Revelation 8:4)
Song: Are the prayers of the saints (Matt Redman), mixed with one-line prayers from the people (in some of the bags) who simply read them out between repeats of the song.
Sunday: sight
Reading: Matthew 21:1-11 (perhaps in six parts, from the Dramatised Bible)
After the reading, invite people to rip around the outline on their green sheet to make a palm leaf, and to use the pens provided to write or draw prayers of praise on their leaf.
Then during the next song, to wave the leaves every time they sing 'hosanna.'
Song: Something containing 'hosanna,' like Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest, or Praise is rising, or You are the king of glory.
Monday: sound
Here you might show part of a film of Jesus' life, that particularly depicts John 2: 13-20 (Jesus clearing the temple). We used part of the film of John's Gospel, but The Miracle Maker might also be appropriate. Turn the volume up loud to get the full effect.
Thursday: taste
Reading: Luke 22: 14-20 (perhaps in two parts, from the Dramatised Bible)
If you are in a tradition where authorised ministers lead communion, it makes sense for one of the readers to be the minister, so that they can prepare the table for communion at the same time.
Confession (we used 'Surely not I, Lord?' by Bob Hartman, from the book 'Telling the Gospel,' which follows directly on from the reading. It lends itself to several voices of all ages.)
Sharing the Lord's Supper together.
Friday: touch
Watch the Lamb, a song by Ray Boltz, is available in recorded form, but also on youtube witha set of lovely line drawings.
Reading: Luke 23: 33-49
During this reading, someone unseen banged heavy nails into a piece of wood. We passed several large nails around the room, feeling the touch of the metal as we listened.
Half way down the aisle of the worship space was a small table, and on it a small glass bowl, standing in a wide but shallow tray. After the hammering, red wine was poured into the bowl until it overflowed, symbolising Jesus' blood.
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Fifth Sunday in Lent (Year C)
Liturgy of the Palms / Sixth Sunday in Lent (Year A)
Liturgy of the Passion / Sixth Sunday in Lent (Year C)
Liturgy of the Passion / Sixth Sunday in Lent (Year C)
Liturgy of the Passion / Sixth Sunday in Lent (Year C)
Monday of Holy Week (Year *)
Each bag containing: some fresh lavender (or alternative sweet-smelling replacement, like crumbled bath bomb), 4 templates of a large palm leaf, printed on green paper, several sour sweets, and pens.
Six of the bags also had simple one-line prayers in them, at random.
Also: several large nails,
a DVD of John
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