In The Presence Of The Holy - Song
This song was created as part of our The Rest Is Worship project. If you bought the Leaders' Resource eBook you can go to this page, enter your code and access the video and sheet music for free.
Alternatively you can pay for the video on its own here. MP3 also available for purchase. The lead sheet and chord sheet are free to download, so you can play them with your worship band. Please report any printing or copying on your CCLI licence. Similarly, you can use these videos for online worship - please report on your CCLI streaming licence.
We aimed to write a song inspired by the simple, repeated chants of the Taizé community. The first line was inspired by a talk given by Malcolm Duncan, when he commented that in the presence of God's holiness we should be quiet and still.
The recording was made by Timo with additional instruments by Gemma, Sam and Sara and lead vocals by Gemma.
In the presence of the holy may my words be few.
In your presence, I give glory, there is none like you.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, there is none like you.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, there is none like you.
© Gemma & Timo Scharnowski, Sam Hargreaves,
admin by CCLI # 7212380.
Proper 7, Ordinary/Lectionary 12 (Year A)
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