Healthcare Prayer
Below is a prayer for national and local healthcare, and a PowerPoint. You could use this at any time, but we have written it especially for Healthcare Sunday (20th October 2024), an initiative of Christian healthcare organisations in the UK and Ireland.
You can use this prayer on Healthcare Sunday, and you might also:
- Before Healthcare Sunday ask those working in health and social care to send photos of themselves at work to create a montage to display during the service.
- Interview someone working in health or social care as part of a service - what do they like about their job, what are the challenges, what can you pray for?
- Ask those in working in health and social care to stand while those sitting near them pray for them.
- Show a video on Christians in healthcare such as the Healthcare Sunday video or Christian Medical Fellowship's Imagine video.
- Orientate the teaching content/sermon to do with health/healthcare.
For more information about Healthcare Sunday, or to let them know you are planning to hold a Healthcare Sunday event, visit their website.
LEADER: God of all healing,
forgive us when we take for granted:
the healthcare available to us;
remarkable advances in medical science;
and especially the people who look after the sick.
We name before you God, in our hearts or out loud,
the first names of those we know who work in healthcare roles.
[After a pause for names]
We pray together:
ALL: God of all healing,
use and bless your servants in healthcare.
God of all healing,
we pray for healthcare in our country.
Bring peace and rest to tired workers,
send wisdom for difficult decisions,
provide resources where things are stretched,
and give strength and motivation to the discouraged.
We name before you God, in our hearts or out loud,
the names of hospitals, health and social care services,
doctors’ surgeries, dental practices and other centres of healthcare in our area.
[After a pause for names]
We pray together:
God of all healing,
be at work in the healthcare systems in our country.
God of all healing,
we pray for Christians in healthcare
and the organisations that support them.
May they know your direction in challenging situations,
and help them show the love of Christ
through their words and actions.
We name before you God, in our hearts or out loud,
Christian people and organisations in healthcare.
[After a pause for names]
We pray together:
God of all healing,
empower and encourage Christians in healthcare.
God of all healing,
we pray for those whose bodies are unwell.
Send comfort, healing and relief.
May all have fair access to the treatment they need,
as we work towards the day
when all pain, death and tears will be no more.
We name before you God, in our hearts or out loud,
the first names of those we know who are unwell at this moment.
[After a pause for names]
We pray together:
God of all healing,
draw near to those who need your restoration today. Amen.
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