Environment Confession
This is a confession prayer for the way we treat the environment. We have used it in a worship journey featuring the song "Indescribable", followed by the hymn "God in Such Love for Us" (sung to the tune of "Great is Thy Faithfulness"). We have then shown images of environmental destruction, and encouraged people to think about how they treat God's creation. We have followed this by saying this prayer together:
[LEADER] Lord, when we have taken your creation for granted;
[ALL] Forgive us, gracious Father.
When we have abused its resources and polluted its purity;
Forgive us, gracious Father.
When we have not fulfilled our calling to steward your earth;
Forgive us, gracious Father.
[Invite the congregation to silently receive God's forgiveness.]
May we work with you in the renewal of creation;
Empower us, Holy Spirit
May we speak and act for the good of your planet.
Inspire us, Jesus Christ.
May we value and share the good gifts you provide;
Encourage us, Father of creation. Amen.
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First Sunday in Lent (Year A)
Proper 11, Ordinary/Lectionary 16 (Year A)
Proper 22, Ordinary/Lectionary 27 (Year B)
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