Ebb and Flow
The six tracks attached in the zip file you can download from this page are instrumental keyboard pieces. Each one is a wordless meditation on a verse from the Psalms. Andy set himself the challenge of sitting down, reflecting on the verse and then playing whatever came out - no edits, no restarts. The result is a set of varied pieces you could use for background music to meditations, PowerPoint visuals, Communion and myriad other settings.
Alternatively you can be inspired by this idea to improvise your own pieces based on verses from scripture - whatever your instrument or creative medium! Do send us any you create and we'll see about sharing them here.
Transfiguration Sunday (Year A)
Fifth Sunday in Lent (Year A)
Easter Vigil (Year *)
Third Sunday of Easter (Year B)
Proper 5, Ordinary/Lectionary 10 (Year B)
Proper 7, Ordinary/Lectionary 12 (Year C)
Proper 14, Ordinary/Lectionary 19 (Year B)
Proper 27, Ordinary/Lectionary 32 (Year B)
We're happy for you to do that - read this article for more information.
Thanks for downloading this free resource.
These resources are free because generous people support our ministry.
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