Christmas fractal images
10 beautiful Christmas fractal pics by Richard Lyall. These are shared under a Creative Commons Licence, see the note in the zip file.
Below are some thumbnails, but download the zip file to get the full glory. These are great for adding some visual, abstract creativity into your Christmas services - they could accompany songwords, readings, illustrate talks or just be pieces for people to meditate on. Enjoy!
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Third Sunday of Advent (Year B)
Third Sunday of Advent (Year B)
Christmas - Proper 1 (Year *)
Christmas - Proper 1 (Year *)
Christmas - Proper 2 (Year *)
Christmas - Proper 2 (Year *)
Christmas - Proper 3 (Year *)
First Sunday after Christmas Day (Year A)
First Sunday after Christmas Day (Year B)
First Sunday after Christmas Day (Year C)
Holy Name of Jesus (Year *)
Second Sunday after Christmas Day (Year *)
Second Sunday after Christmas Day (Year *)
Epiphany of the Lord (Year *)
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I've done a simple "how to" guide so you can make your own! Hopefully that should be appearing here soon. Software is Windows only, sadly, unless you know of similar tools for Mac, anyone? I hear that Quartz Composer is pretty nifty on Mac if you can get your head round it.