This interactive, spoken liturgy is inspired by an idea from the Wild Goose Worship Group. It could be used at the beginning of a service, after a reading of the Beatitudes or at the beginning of a sermon on this passage.
The fact that the congregation decides what the correct response to each phrase is, should lead to a critical engagement with the text and it could also promote a more vibrant, less static outlook on spoken liturgy.
Explain that the congregation responds by shouting out either 'Yes, he did!' or 'No, he didn't!' as appropriate.
Extract from the reading:
Leader: Jesus said 'Blessed are the poor in Spirit...'
Congregation: _________ (Yes, he did!)
Leader: Yes, '...for theirs is the kingdom of heaven'.
Leader: Jesus said 'Blessed are the happy-clappy...'
Congregation: ___________ (No, he didn't!)
Leader: No, he said 'Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted')
Leader: Jesus said 'Blessed are the complacent'
Congregation: __________ (No, he didn't!)
Leader: No, he said 'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled.'
Leader: Jesus said 'Blessed are the meek...'
Congregation: __________ (Yes, he did!)
Leader: Yes, '...for they will inherit the earth.'
Leader: Jesus said 'Blessed are the ruthless'
Congregation: __________ (No, he didn't!)
Leader: No, he said 'Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy.'
Leader: Jesus said 'Blessed are those that are persecuted because of righteousness...'
Congregation: __________ (Yes, he did!)
Leader: Yes, '...for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.'
Leader: Jesus said 'Blessed are the pure in heart...'
Congregation: __________ (Yes, he did!)
Leader: Yes, '...for they will see God.'...
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Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany (Year A)
All Saints' Day (Year A)
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