Armour of God craft activity
This is a simple resource to help you think about Paul's famous passage about the Armour of God in Ephesians 6.
Print out enough sheets for everyone taking part. There are two figures on PDF 1 and four of each piece of armour on PDF 2, plus a page with the whole Ephesians 6:10-18 passage. Here's a suggested way of running this activity:
1) Someone read Ephesians 6:10-13.
2) Draw yourself on a figure. What kind of facial expression should you have if you're planning to be "strong in the Lord and in his mighty power?"
3) Choose which pieces of armour you want, cut out and colour. You'll need a breastplate / vest, shoes, belt, helmet, shield and sword.
4) While you cut and colour, ask one person to read Ephesians 6:14-17.
5) When everybody has a full armour, talk about what all the pieces mean. You will need to adapt the discussion depending on ages and abilities of your group. Some ideas for questions:
- If there is bad stuff around, how does truth help?
- If we have salvation, having been rescued by Jesus, what power does evil have on us?
- If we don't have a readiness that comes from God's good news of peace, what could happen if we are attacked?
- If faith is the same as trust, how is trusting God protecting us like a shield?
- Righteousness = being right with God - how do we get this?
- Do you know any of God's Words that can work to fight back evil?
6) End by reading verse 18, and imagine putting your whole armour on and then pray for people you know who need God's help. Pray in his mighty power!
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Proper 16, Ordinary/Lectionary 21 (Year B)
Colouring pens
Glue (if you like)
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