We Are A Chosen People liturgy
[PowerPoint updated in 2024.]
One year at Spring Harvest this was used in the response section after a talk on 1 Peter 2. It has the congregation read out the points Paul lists in verse 9, and then the leader unpacks them. It works well as a 'declaration', so encourage people to say it good and strong! Download the PowerPoint, or print/project the words in some other format.
We are a chosen people;
no accident, no second-best,
each one essential to your plan.
We are a royal priesthood,
sons and daughters of the King,
heirs and bringers of the Kingdom.
You have called us out of darkness
into your wonderful light.
Help us Father to declare your praise!
We are a holy nation,
set us apart to live for you,
ambassadors among the nations.
We are God's special possession,
what delight you take in us!
Help us take delight in you.
You have called us out of darkness
into your wonderful light.
Help us Father to declare your praise!
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