All Age Communion Confession Prayer
This was written for an all-age communion service. We wanted a prayer which would be both a confession and a preparation for receiving communion.
Start by teaching the response with actions. Then explain you will pray and then leave space for the congregation to listen to God and say their sorry prayer, in whatever way is right for them.
Christ’s body and blood: [arms out to side; then check pulse]
for us they were given. [hands out front palms up, push forward]
This bread and this cup [palm out slice with other hand; then mime holding cup]
tell us we’re forgiven. [circle fist (facing down) on palm.]
Jesus, you died on the cross so I that I might be forgiven of everything I do wrong.
Sometimes I remember that, but other times I forget, and continue to hurt you with my actions.
Please bring to mind any things I need to say sorry for now, in the quiet.
Christ’s body and blood:
for us they were given.
This bread and this cup
tell us we’re forgiven.
Jesus, this communion meal is for all people, because you always welcome everyone.
Sometimes I remember that, but other times I forget, and I treat people badly.
Please bring to mind any ways I have mistreated other people, so I can say sorry now, in the quiet.
Christ’s body and blood:
for us they were given.
This bread and this cup
tell us we’re forgiven.
Jesus, this communion meal is like a preview of eating with you forever in a world put right.
Sometimes I remember that, but other times I forget, and I don’t live as if you are coming again.
Please bring to mind ways I can live which will bring heaven to earth for the people around me.
Christ’s body and blood:
for us they were given.
This bread and this cup
tell us we’re forgiven. Amen.
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