Our Guestbook
These are some of the messages we've received so far:
If you'd like to add your own message and support engageworship, please return to the donation page.
I do so appreciate the variety of your resources and helping me to think outside the box and dare to experiment!Angela.
Thank you for these beautiful, inspiring and creative resources. They are such a blessing.Pete Deaves
Thank you for all the wonderful resources you produce. These are biblical and creative - and so useful especially for our monthly half hour family praise. Keep up the good work!Pastor Carol
Engage Worship has provided me with so many worthwhile resources and there is always something new in development that allows us to share God's word afresh and inspire those we lead in worshipMichael Birrell
Thank you so much for this wonderful resource. It will make our workplace online carol service very special.Laura
Thank you for this resource which I found to be just the thing I needed for myself and then to share with my Life Group at church at Christmas.Lindsay Caplen
I love what you share with us. Rich theologically, creative and declaring Christ as Lord of the big picture and Christ as Lord in the every day lives of every day followers of Jesus.Louise
I always find something inspirational to share with the congregation. Thank you for the creative gifts of all those involved, you are a blessing to those of us with different gifts.Anita Dobson
Thanks so much as ever for all you do.Pam M.
Thank you for sharing your creative spirits with the larger body of Christ. We are an ocean apart but we are One in the Spirit. So grateful for you all!Jonathan
Thanks for the resources that are just right for 'ordinary' churches up and down the land. They help us pray and praise using God's Word, and they are aimed at the most important instrument of all: the people of God lifting their voices together.Lucinda Burns
So enjoyed your training last week in Walsall. It was refreshing, encouraging and inspirational. Many many thanks for all these resources that you give us.Janet
Thank you for your great and helpful resources.Cherie
Your resources are so helpful and creative - thank you for this wonderful ministry! Praying continued blessing on all that you do.Liz Harrison
Thank you so much for being willing to share your creative gifts with those of us who are not blessed with creativity my worship leading has been enhanced by God through you!Lesley
Thanks you for your great resources!Nick Butler
Thank you all for the creative resources of so many types that you create and share to enrich worshipStuart and Jackie
Thank you. You have blessed us and the wider church so much with all you do.Simon and Naomi
Delighted to support this incredibly valuable ministry. God Bless.Trevor Lee
Methodist Local Preacher for 25 years thanks and God Bless You for the support you all give to us out there through your web pages.Barbara
Thank you for making your resources available - they are so helpful. Praying continuing blessings on your ministry!Jess
Thank you so much for the thought-provoking, Spirit-stirring, community-gathering ideas I've found on your site. God bless you!Anonymous
Love the creation and sharing of new worship resources.Lydia
Thank you Engage worship for your generous provision of creative worship resource. It has been a heavenly blessing for us.Pastor Garry
It is good to learn from others of how to worship and share the goodness that God blesses us all with. A different approach to 'what we always do' or this is how we always do it, wakes up God's people from sleep walking into Sunday Services and going through the norm. At 73 years young I am happy to learn how I can with your blessed help share the gospel with our fellowshipAnonymous
Great script, thanks !Margaret Clarkson
Thank you for your wonderful resources. We like to use them with our small fellowship group and find them inspiring. God bless.Jenny
Engage Worship is always my first go to website when I am looking for ideas and resources. Thank you guys for being so creative!Helen Jarvis
These resources have proved invaluable! God has blessed you all with His incredible creativity and I am so grateful that I, and my church family, can be encouraged, and challenged through them!Rev Mary Whittaker
Great ideas of resources for Deaf churchesTrevor Hosken
Well done and many thanks for your inspiration.Anonymous
Sam & Sara, I love the fresh and humble approach you take to liturgy and worship resources. Keep up the good work.Jeff W of Canada
Thanks for your wonderful resources. Very creative.Tess
Thank you so much for excellent ideas and resources!Rachel
Thank you for this! Having to take a service at short notice. This is perfect for it.Rosalie
I appreciate the range of resources you make available - thanksPatricia Budd
A friend, a fellow local preacher, shared some of your materials - and I love the wide range and the refreshing creativity. Thank you!Lisa Barton
The children in our "Kid's Worship" love your songs, and then having the opportunity to teach them to all of the adults. Thank you!Lee
Thank youJane Bailey
Thank you for your amazing resources! Keep the faith!Mike Stock
Your resources are always excellent and much appreciated by our fellowship. Thanks and may God bless you for all you do.
We are finding your worship resources a help for school collective worship.
It was like having a worship group in school with us yesterday when we played one of your videos.
We are also finding them a blessing for our All Age Worship in church.
Thanks for your ministry.
Keep up the good work.
God bless you and the team.
Revd Richard Fisher in the Smestow Vale Team, Staffs.
Wendy Small, Dongara - Western Australia
Our small rural congregation has enjoyed your resources - even tho the references to the seasons are all mixed up for us!Alicia Holmes
I'm really grateful for your great resources. ThanksRoger
We used the sketch, 'A Rumour of Angels' in an Advent service and it went down a storm. Thank you so much for these amazing resources.Anonymous
Thank you for all you do, praying for continued blessing in your ministryAnonymous
Thank you for the wonderfully creative and inspiring resources you produce. They really give a lift to our regular all age worship and I'm especially grateful for the Advent and Christmas materials which have given me lots of fresh ideas.Carol
I very much appreciate the fantastic range of resources you produce and generously make available either free of charge or at a moderate cost. The worship I lead as the minister of a small church is often fuelled by your resources. Your work is a blessing to many.Anne
Thank you for your wonderful resourcesSally Wallace-Jones
Thank you so much for all the wonderful resources you share.Jane
Thanks so much for these great resourcesAnne
Always a good source of inspiration. Thank you.Anonymous
Thanks for the resourceAnton
These resources are great. Thank you so much God blessWanda Sykes-Moore
This monologue of Mary is perfect-exactly what God wants me to deliver at this particular time. Thank you, and walk in God's favor.Anonymous
Bless you and Luton for your ministry (GO LUTON TOWN !)...Anonymous
After the excellent 'The Rest is Worship' retreat last weekend which was at such an affordable price and was so inspiring, I wanted to give something back so that your work can continue to reach people. Be encouraged!Pastor Steve Craig
Thank you for these resources!Philip Nichols
Great resources. many thanks for all your hard work. Blessings, PhilipMichael B Henderson
Thanks!Hazel Davis
I so appreciate all your resources! Thank You! :)Helen Kendrick
Thank you for all you do. Creative and inspiring resources to enhance worship. It is a wonderful resource - thank you.Anonymous
Thank you! Just what I needed.Hazel Senior
Thank you for all you contribute to make worship richer and relevant to the 21st Century.Katie
Thanks for the great resources - so helpful for our youth and all age worship.Mr Andrew Turton
Extremely useful resources especially for our All Age Worship servicesJane Hulme
Thank you for your wonderful resources.Kathryn Morgan
Thank you so much for your easily accessible and useable resources. They are a blessing to us.Joanna Felts
I always enjoy using your resources! Thanks for all the effort you put into this! Blessings!Anonymous
I am so grateful for the resources that are available online and through the post - I use them regularly in services. Thank you so much for your dedication and energies put in to these to help those of us leading services on a regular basis as Lay People.Trevor Hosken
Hi Sam and Timo Really enjoyed the seminar you did on Rest at Millmead. I am trying out some of Sam and Sarah's ideas from Whole Life Worship with our Worship team and our Pastorate. It's sparking off creative ideas in me also, which is great. Absolutely brilliant. Thanks so much.Mike Joyce
Greetings in the Lord's name to Rev John Leach .. and to you all. Great work!Anonymous
These resources have been so helpful. I love the thoughtfulness and meditative qualities of your songs. Thank you - greatly appreciated!Anonymous
Thanks for your resources. I find Area 52 really helpful for ideas.Grange Baptist, Gloucester
Thanks so much for your terrific resources and teaching. It's already making a real difference to how we encourage people to, well, Engage in Worship.mr. John Cornell
Thanks for your continuing workTim Edwards
Thank You for all your hard work you are an inspirationTim Edwards
Thank you so much what a wonderful way to share Gods KingdomJoanna Felts
Thanks for all your great resources! They speak to the passage at hand and are written for this century.Mike Stock
Once again I am blessed by the brilliant resources and ideas you provide which help to enrich our worship and make it accessible and enjoyable. Thanks for all you doJoan Bower
Thank you for your inspiring resources! I very often look to engage worship for ideas when planning services and usually find something which fits perfectly.Anonymous
Thank you for your ongoing ministry and the wisdom you share through this mediaHelen Potts
I love your resources.Cherry Clements
Thank you for your support of small rural ministryAnonymous
Thank you for all our wonderful resources!Steven H Craig
Thank you for these excellent resources!Anonymous
Thank you for brilliant resources that are inspiring and adaptable for use in different contexts.Kevin
Thanks Sam and Co, Your resources are always appreciated and a great blessing.Katharine Reedy
Thanks so much for these inspiring free resources, which are a real help when planning services.Joanna Felts
I so enjoy using your materials. Thank you for your work.Anonymous
I think Area52 is a great idea. Thank you. It's been really helpful in my preparations today.Anonymous
May God bless you as you develop these wonderful worship resources.Lucinda Burns
You always have resources that are suitable for the many different services I have to lead. Many thanks for all the work you put into engage worship and for the fact that you are using the gifts that God has given you so wonderfully.Anonymous
Thank you for all you do. Continue to innovate - engage worship is a blessing to the Kingdom!Anita Tanner
Thank you for your free Christmas Resources which I used in Cafe Style Christmas worship.
Thank you for the gift of music that has added value to our worship at Childwold Memorial Presbyterian Church, NY, USA. We meet online for eight months and our hearts have often been touched by the work of the Spirit through your lives.
Thanks for the use of Christmas Blessing for our worship on 01.01.2023 at Childwold Memorial Presbyterian Church in NY. You are a blessing.
Pastoral Partners Gregg and Cheryl
Steven H Craig
Thank you or these inspired resources!Fiona
Great site with really useful resourcesDavid
Thank you for the Christmas Carol videos - they've proved a lifesaver with smaller congregations in all sorts of waysFiona
Great resources - very usefulJanet
Thank you for your resources - they are life affirming!Pam Morse
Thank you for creatively bring the Word of God to life. Please don't stop!!!Eunice Pearson
We especially like the sketches which liven up the services, particularly the family services which are not so 'formal'. Thank you for all your ideas.Allison Harding
Thank for sharing your creative gifts with us it really is much appreciated.Carol Soble
I've so enjoyed and found inspiration from your resources for my small church in South WalesAnonymous
Thank you so much for this invaluable resource.Dot Gosling
just keep up the good work :)Anonymous
Thanks for all your hard work. Every blessing for this festive period and beyond.jon dean
Thank you for these inspirational slides which will make everyone thing about waiting with expectation.Hilary
Your resources are wonderful and inspiring, thank you.Rachel Boxer
Always so grateful for the visual elements of your resources, which have been a huge help on many all-age occasions!!Jenny Webb
I value your worship resources. Thank youAlan Lowe
Tanks again always creative and relevant resourcesHazel
Thank you so much for the wonderful resources :)Rev David James Fleming
Your resources have been a great help to me.Tina Obbard
"One generation shall command your works to another and tell of your mighty acts" Psalm 145v4..... We must tell, teach, share the Good News to all. Thank you for helping me to do that.Anonymous
Thank you for all the brilliant resources which are so easy to access and use.Philip Nichols
Brilliant resourceHazel Brookes
Thank you for your excellent resourcesAnonymous
God bless you all! Your material has been so inspiring and a huge help in planning our services when we don't have a preacher.Deb Goldsworthy
Thank you for all your workATreuil
I enjoy everything you put out. It's like a treasure chest full of gems! Thx for using you creativity for Jesus. It is so strengthening.Brian Hall
Thanks for your inspiration to so many of God's children (of all ages) BrianPastor Bree
THANK YOU for years of ministry support! THANK YOU for helping us worship God!!!Gail Phillip
Thank you so much for all your wonderful resources - they are so helpful and inspiring for our all age worshipAnonymous
Many thanks for all the resources you work so hard to provide. They are a blessing!Richard Venn
returning here after a while - thanks again for a great set of resourcesAnonymous
Thanks for all your dedication and the resources you make available. I am using the Call to Worship based on Psalm 100 which I had to memorize as a child in my church in Wisconsin in the United States. I help create worship services for a United Church of Christ congregation in the United States in the state of Oregon. I enjoyed reading Chapter one of your book. "How Would Jesus Lead Worship."Hazel
Thank you so much for the wonderful resources :)Andy Heber
Lovely resources and very gracious of you to serve the church in making them free. They are really appreciated!
Great ideas for all age worship - a much needed resource.
Tim Macquiban
Every blessing on your creative workHazel Davis
Thank you for the wonderful visuals, they are a real blessing to me and to the churches that I serve in :)Hazel Davis
Thank you for the wonderful visuals, they are a real blessing to me and to the churches that I serve in :)Mark Dowling
Great work, keep going! So inspirational and helpful, touching and moving, connecting and uplifting. Thank you.Dan Morrell
I first met Sam in October when he led a fantastic session on multi-sensory hybrid worship. Since then I have used engageworship in worship services and the various resources have been PHENOMENAL. The language is so inclusive and expansive, every resource hits the nail on the head. Wouldn't go anywhere else now! Thank you so much Sam + co for all that you do.Joanna
I see a lot of creativity in these resources. Thanks so much!Tim Edwards
Saw you at Spring Harvest you held the attention of my adult sons who have Autism and made Jesus relevant for them Thank YouAnonymous
As a church warden of a small church without a minister your resources have been a God-send. They are thought provoking, and inspiring, and our gatherings are enriched by them. We thank God for all you do.Anonymous
Thank you for inspirational music and ideasSteven H Craig
Thank you for your ministry!Steven H Craig
Thank you for making these resources available!Lindy Rose
Thanks for sharing your resources, they're great!Jane Pearse
Thanks for all the inspiring ideassally
Thank you for the thoughtful, interesting and varied resources. I appreciate them very much!Pastoral Partners Gregg and Cheryl
Thank you for the beautiful music and manners in which it connects to hearts. You have been a source of encouragement for our church that meets via zoom and then in the summer in the Adirondack Mountains of NY. May God bless you with continued creativity as the Spirit speaks through the work entrusted to you.Amanda Barraclough
Such fresh input always enriches our worship -thank you!Philippa Linton
Thank you for these excellent worship and prayer resources.Anonymous
Thanks for providing these excellent resources for our fellowship.Anonymous
Thanks for your wonderful resources - especially at this difficult time.Steven H Craig
Thank you for these inspired resources!Alicia & Nick Holmes
Thanks so much for your great resources!Amanda Rhodes
Thank you for making your great resources so readily available!Paul McCreary
Thank you for all that you do. May the Lord continue to richly bless you as you continue to bring your gifts and talents in service to others.Sarah Forrest
Thank you for your time and talents, generosity and imagination!Jenny Webb
Thank you for the rich variety of resources on our siteAnonymous
I have found your resources so helpful. Our church has been so blessed.Rev. Dawn Adams
Thank you for creating resources that help us in our work in sharing and living the word. You all are truly a blessing.Andy Heber
Thank you for making all your resources free. Its really generous of you and they are all so inspiring.Rosemary Everett
I regularly use Engageworship resources and get great feedback from the congregation/gathering. I'd highly recommend it. May God show you high favour. Invaluable. God bless your ministry.Phil Summers
Thank you. Keep producing fresh, engaging material. And keep pushing the boundaries, don't slip into the death spiral of old school churchiness. Let the Spirit lead, as a little child - joyful, different, creative and original.Liesl Baldwin
Your resources bless our worship every time we use them. Thank you.Rev Matthew Carratt
Thanks again for your resources that have been invaluable to online church here in South AustraliaJo Bailey
Thanks for sharing your ideas - they are so helpful in leading worship in creative waysAnonymous
Thank you so much for the many wonderful resources! They have been useful to our family, youth, and children's programs, as well as in congregational services.Christine Newitt
New year reflection - is fabulous - looking forward to sharing at our next Wild Church gatheringDavid Miller
Thank you for all the superb resources. These were especially appreciated by some smaller churches, who were enabled to hold effective Christmas services this year by using them.Steven Craig
I am a Presbyterian minister, living in Southern California. Thank you for these beautiful and creative worship resources. I have only recently discovered your engageworship webpage. Happy New Year!Stuart
Thank you for producing these great resources!
Thanks as ever for your help and excellent resources
Tim Lane-Bortell
Have been using your resources in Pandemic and want to say thank you for all that you do. It has been immensely helpful to our online worship. Blessings, TimAnonymous
Thank you so much for all the resources you provide - it has been such a blessing to us over the last yearPam Morse
Thank you for making such creative pieces for our communal worship!Jane Baker
Thank you! I so appreciate your work!Allan Wilson
Thank you for your creativity and for willingness to share with others.Kevin Jones
Thank you !Anonymous
Thanks for the great resources!Peter Wood
Thank you for all the support you have offered through these difficult days of the pandemic.Patricia James
Thank you for providing free resources for me to use online with my country church in Innisfil. Canada. This means that I can share worship resources that are new, beautiful, meaningful and worry free to use. God's blessings upon you for every Advent blessing of hope, peace, joy and love. Pastor Patricia JamesPhilippa Linton
Thank you for these great resources!Ulrike Bell
Thank you for your good work! :)Ulrike Bell
Hi, I love your work. Thank you for sharing your creative giftsAmanda Barraclough
Thank you for your wonderful ministry - so refreshingRev Hugh Lea-Wilson
May God continue to bless your creativity guys!Anonymous
Thank you for all that you do to help us to worship. I pray you have a blessed Christmas. PaulPhil Summers
Thank you for the work you do and for your vision of providing resources that are accessible for the good of the whole church's mission rather than private gain.Liz
Thank you for allowing us to use the resources in online services, much appreciated.stuart crawford
Thank you for the amazing resources you produce, they are a real blessing and so well put together making them very easy to useAnonymous
Thank you for this wonderful resource, so useful as we approach the Christmas Season.Abby
Amazing ideas that help inspire! Thank youAnonymous
Thank you so much for your creative and inspiring resources through the year.Alan Lowe
Excellent quality/ ThankyouChristine Townsend
May God continue to inspire you so we can share that inspiration in our own churches and fellowships.Mark UK
Thank you for your wonderful resources, they are a real blessing.Rowena Mills
Our church is so grateful for the many wonderful resources you provide. Thank you for all your creativity used for God.Anonymous
Thank you for your beautiful and inspiring resourcesLIz Simpson
Really helpful resources, thanks!Anonymous
Thank you for your amazing resources which I find so helpful whenever I am called on to lead worship.Anonymous
Thank you for your ministry and releasing resources for ministry that can be used by others. May the Lord bless and keep you...Anonymous
Thank you for the really helpful resources. Every time I am looking for something for a service, there is always a relevant and sensitive choice.Jenny Nightingale
For your ministry - your creativity, generosity and generator of ideas. Thank you.Joanne
Thank you for providing these resources we have a very small church and can't afford a lot.Nichola
thank you for all your hard work and sharing the leading of the Holy Spirit in your inspired and inspiring songs and words to help us all to worship GodAmanda
Thank you for the inspiring resources, and I pray that God's kingdom will be extended through this work. May God richly bless you and all who benefit from these resources.Judith
Thanks for the great resources....so useful in different settingsPauline
Thank you for these resources. It has enabled us to develop our approach to worship.Eleanor Janet Smith
Your resources for advent and lent are superb. ThanksAlex Holcomb
As a Worship Arts Leader at a Lutheran church in the States, I'm grateful for the variety of gifts you offer to the Church. I love the variety of resources - from music to poetry to podcasts, etc and how you pull from a variety of different church backgrounds. Giving back is a small way of saying "thanks" for all you do - and please keep up the good work!Amanda Barraclough
Thank you for your ministry - so refreshing and authentic.Rev Caroline
Thank you for the inspiration your resources provide. And just being able to find the exact right thing on occasions. I'm very grateful.Caroline Spindlow
Thank you for your resources. I'm so grateful for the inspiration they give!Carl Palmer
Your worship resources have blessed and encouraged us over many years. We have particularly appreciated all the support during the lockdown God has blessed you to be a blessingLiesl
Thank you for making such a really meaningful resource freely available.Carl Palmer
Your worship resources have blessed and encouraged us over many years. We have particularly appreciated all the support during the lockdown God has blessed you to be a blessingAdair
You guys are a constant go-to for me in my ministry role here in NZ, love what you do! Thank you so much for the excellent, thoughtful, quality content and for making it available as you do. Blessings!!Pauline
So glad to have found this web site. It is so imspiring. The resources are very useful. Thank you!PEGGY WONG
Love your creativity and relevance to society todayG M Middleton
Thanks so much for the wonderful resources for our online and hybrid services, and the Disrupting Worship podcasts have been a real help in navigating this time - like many, I suspect, I have "ended up" compiling church services, learning on the hoof, and you have been such helpful companionsLydia
Thank you for making these engaging worship material. It is blessing our small church big time especially during the lockdowns . Bless you guys.Linda Edwards
Only recently discovered your site and love the reflection,not good with techy stuff but love spiritual creativity,am beginning to think I'll have to learn!Linda Edwards
Only just discovered your website,really appreciating its creative ideasFrank Hutton
Thanks for another very usable piece of worship material. The simplicity of them allied to a professional finish make it perfect for a range of settings. I'm grateful to God for you, and to you for your ministry.Lesley Cox
Just read the storm on the lake resource for this coming Sunday. really witty and succinct. Can see i'll be returning to this page quite a lot and will probably make further donations. As a licensed lay minister i lead indoor and outdoor church and this could be used for either. Thank you.Jane F
Thankyou - such a wealth of resources here!Victoria
Your resources feel like worship in 2021 and into the future should be. Contemplative and life giving.Judith
Thank you for your inspirationE P Hitch
Really appreciate your resource 'Nicodemus and the secret rendezvous' which I will be using this coming Sunday. Thank youElizabeth
Thank you so much for your fantastic resources, particularly during this time of the pandemic.Matt Elsey
Thank you for all the resources you have created and your passion for worship!John
So enjoyed yu=our Ascension monologue. It caught the hearers by surprise! Pentecost sheet is good too.Sneha Ninan
Thank you for your beautiful and well thought out resources! Thank you also for your generosity in freely sharing your gifts and talents with the body of Christ.Anonymous
I could not have not through Christmas without you - what a blessing! Thanks be to God!Anonymous
Thank you for your fantastic, creative and inspiring resources!Anonymous
Thank you for your ministry!Pastor MaryBeth
Thanks for the wonderful resources!Stuart
Thank you for all the great resources on this site, which have helped us engage creatively with all ages in our worship.Alan
thanksMelody Jones
Love your resources, have been using them in worship with children and families. You have so many great ideas. Thank you very much.Brian
Thank you for all you do. Your resources have been a blessing to us here in the US!Barry Jackson
Thank you for all the great materials that you are producing to help us in our worshipAnonymous
These resources are amazing and I can't wait to use them with my class.Walsworth Road Baptist Church
Many thanks for the resources which we have used in our online worship over the lockdown period.Anonymous
Thank you for this beautiful and moving video.Janet Tanton
Palm sunday story - just what I was looking for - thank you!Brett Hertzog Betkoski
This site has been a gift to my ministry. Thank youJenny McKnight
Love your resources . Have used them so much that I thought it was time i supported you! Thank you so much.Rachel A
Thanks for all the wonderful resources you make accessible to churches around the globe. Your creative worship materials inspire me as I plan worship experiences for my faith community in New Zealand. May God richly bless all your contributors.Anonymous
Thank you for your resources, I am a family ministry coordinator for our church and am always looking for ways for families to interact with each other centred around God and His love for us. The Journey Through Easter with the 5 Senses is perfect for what I am encouraging our families to do this Easter.Anonymous
I have found the resources and activities so helpful and thought provoking in this year of lockdown. Thank you.Anonymous
Sorry it isn't more, but I pray you will be blessed AllisonAnonymous
Hugely grateful for all the resources this year - a real blessing, thank youAnonymous
With appreciation and thanks for these resources - they are helpful and the combination of them are useful in a wide variety of settings. God bless your ministry and mission to the wider church.Anonymous
Thank you for making your resources available. I will read one of your prayers in our service next week which fits very well with the Word I am preaching. I plan to take a closer look at your website soon as this is the first time I have visited it. You are clearly providing an excellent resource and may God continue to bless you.Andrew T
Thank you for all your resources. They are very usefulDonna Dodson
These resources are so helpful as we rely so much more on visual aids in our zoom worship. Thank you xRev. Darlene Avery, Colorado, USA
Your resource site is a Godsend to me in the United States: creative, fresh expressions of the Gospel without sacrificing depth or the best of tradition.Richard Bainbridge
Thanks for the great work you are doing. I have had the responsibility of producing YouTube services for New Silksworth Methodist Church in Sunderland since March last year. I am gradually managing to wean myself off an over reliance on American video and graphic input. Your Christmas song videos were a huge help. Thank you. Looking forward to using more Engage material in the future. You are needed! Every blessing.
In appreciation for you ongoing ministry and resources.
Thanks for all the resources available on this website, I have used so many over many years. I would love to give more - when I'm a fully fledged minister and no longer an ordinand I will definitely give more! Keep up the good work! May God continue to bless your good works.Lu
Every time I come to your website, feeling a bit stuck for what to do in a service, I find something just right and so useful. But more, it reminds me that we’re in this together - the love in how you support us all, as we seek to lead worship, always encourages me.Theo
Fantastic vision, amazing work that you have done, and continue to do!Anonymous
Your resources have been a Godsend - literally, since Covid came along and we took church online. Thank you so much for all you have produced.Ed and Emma Jones
What a superb resource Engage Worship is, such a great space that serves not only to feed into the ministry we’re involved in, but as a catalyst, encouraging us to think creatively in all we do. Keep up the amazing work!Anonymous
Great resources, thank you.Anonymous
Many thanks and blessings to everyone who has contributed to this website, providing their God-given gifts and skills so that little churches like ours, without a minister, can continue to worship our faithful God, particularly during this pandemic. God bless you all.Paul
Grateful for the Christmas song videos which were a real help for our online service.Anonymous
thank you for the richness of your ministry which is a blessing to so many of us.Anonymous
Thank you for the wonderful Christmas carol videos.Eastwood Baptist Church
With thanks for the carols provided for use in our Christmas services.David Miller
Thank you for sharing your faith, ideas and resources with us all at this time, to help us share God's love shown us in Jesus.John Waldron
Creative imaginative resources that have been so useful over this pandemic. A real heart for worship undergirds all the material. Thank you.Margaret Simmons
Thank you - again!The Reverend Larry Brown, Brantford, Ontario, Canada
God continue to bless your ministry. I want to offer this small donation as a way of saying thank you to your team for the many useful resources provided over the past year. It's been difficult, first doing Facebook Live services on my own, and then, when we were able, to prerecord our services for YouTube. Your resources, shared informally on Facebook or used in liturgy have been a blessing to many people. A blessed Season of Christmas and a happy, healthy, safe New Year. I'm going to burn our 2020 calendar on New Year's Eve.Christ Church Chineham
With many thanks for your theologically rich and musically high-quality and varied creations. You have blessed us all this Christmas.Melanie Greenall
Thank you for your ministry at this difficult timeAnonymous
Thanks for helping out this Canadian Rural Pastor with his Christmas Eve Worship video. Your video are great and trust that God will bless your ministry in the new year. Peace.Paul Campion
We are very grateful for the opportunity to use some of your Christmas resources at Shirley Baptist Church, Solihull this year.Anonymous
Thank you for these resources which are a great help when we are making virtual servicesHeidi Longworth
Thank you for all your amazing resources. We have used lots of them this Christmas especially. Praying for you!Michael
Thanks for the carol lyric videos! The were great for our online carol service in Fehraltorf Switzerland yesterday.Chris Cook
Thank you eversomuch for all your work and your generosity. The Christmas background loops were so useful and of such a high quality. The saved so many people such a lot of time. Thank you and thank Richard Lyall.Rachel
Many thanks for all your Christmas resources - We had a good sing (all muted) on our Zoom Carol service today - thanks to your Christmas carol videos.Anonymous
Thank you for all you doAnonymous
Thanks for all you do to help churches worship the Lord Savior Jesus Christ. I use your resources a lot, more so in this time of COVID-19 where my church is worshipping online.Anonymous
Thank you for such an excellent resource of CarolsAnonymous
Really appreciating the Christmas resources. Thank youJason Coulter
My musician had to step back from recording music due to Coronavirus concerns and these videos will prove to be a lifesaver! Thank you SO MUCH! --Rev. Jason Coulter, Chicago, Illinois USASally Wallace-Jones
Thanks so much for the wonderful resources and for getting The Word out thereBeth Hoffman
A real gift to find this resource and all its goodness. Thank you, from a pastor in Maine.Anonymous
Thank you so much for all the resources you have produced for the Christmas season. They have helped to make producing on line services so much easier this challenging Christmas season. SimonAbby Lintern
Thank you for providing inspiration, content and much needed ideas to weary Ministers! May you be blessed as richly as your work blesses others.Rev Marie Raffay
Delighted to discover the carol videos. They are just what I need for our Zoom Christingle services. Many thanks for your creativity and generosity in making them available.Lesley Hatton
Thank you for your amazing resourcesNeil and Judith
Thank you - such a blessing for our congregations with whom we can communicate online and worship in our homes and watch when we can meet in limited numbers in church etcMairi
Your website and generosity are as inspiring as your talent and commitment - thank you!Ian
Great site! Thank youSteve Cobbin
Thank you for your great materialEsther Burd
Thank you for your amazing website with so many free resources. I love preparing acts of worship and your site is invaluable. We first saw Sam and Sara at Spring Harvest and we thank them for their amazing and loving ministry.Anonymous
Thanks for the wonderful work and the generosity you are showing !Anonymous
A huge thanks for the generosoity with resources which have made my job so much easier this Christmas. Not only are you generous you are also gifted beyond measure. Delighted witht he quality of everything - a treasure trove of riches! With every blessing for your ministries and wonderful outward facing energy for the Kingdom of God.Anonymous
Thank you for all the lovely and high quality resources that you make freely available on your website. They really are enriching our church's life.Lindsay Blair
Very many thanks for your ministry & Happy ChristmasAnonymous
Thank you for all you are doing!Cotton End Baptist Church
We have appreciated having access to your resources for our streamed worship servicesAnjali Miriam Kanagaratnam
Thank you for generously sharing your creative worship resources for all to use. Your website is one of the first I turn to when I am looking for something different or contemporary. May God bless your work and your ministries.Paula Bolton-Maggs
Thanks so much for the hands video. Now I have discovered your website and am going to look at your other resources. We assist with many different types of services at our local church and have had exponential learning about digital resources since March this year.Anonymous
Top quality resources that are really valuable, especially during this time of COVID-19. That you are making them free to use this Christmas is an incredible gift to the Church though I hope, where possible, people are making donations for them. We are blessed by your work. Thank you.Julie Morrison
Your worship resources are such a blessing!Ann Knox
Thank you for your videos of carols, congregation will appreciate these so much.Chris Spracklen
Hi, I applaud what you're doing and thank God for the high quality and generous nature of your ministry.Nick Read
Thank you so much for the Christmas resources. Keep up the good work. Thanks and God bless Nick and Cathryn Read Holy Trinity BeckenhamAnonymous
Thank you for the carols. Hope you have a blessed Christmas.Anonymous
Thanks for all the great resources and your hard work!Helen Wright
I have been so inspired by all the wonderful Advent resources. Thank you so much.Katharine Hawksley
Thank you for producing such wonderful Christmas Carol videos. They are such a joy and blessing.Anonymous
Thank you for sharing all your wonderfully creative and fresh ideas. It's helped me stay inspired this Advent season.Tim Williamson
Thank you so much for these wonderful resources for us to use this Christmas. I do hope churches are making suitable donations as these videos would normally cost about £10 - £15 each from other sources - and they are not as good as these!Margaret
Thank you so much for all you do to help us enhance our worship.Anonymous
Many thanks for the brilliant resources, especially during this time of AdventSteve Thomasson
In this brave new world of on line church and all the challenges of copyright, your site is such a blessing and a gift to the church and especially our on line carol service this year. Many thanksRev Elspeth MACLEAN
So glad a friend directed me to your website. I love the Tiny Poems, and now find many carols ready to download. What a gift!! Thank you!Jan
Engage Worship gave me so many resources when my own creativity was at such a low ebb. Thank youDavid Groeneveld
Thank you for the Christmas downloads. They are greatly appreciated at this time.Anonymous
Thank you for all your resources they are a GodsendFrankie
Thank you so much for these resources at this time when there is so much need for them. God BlessColin
Many thanks for use of your videos for a small village church community presentation. Kilmadock Parish Church Doune ScotlandReverend Tom Lucas
First time user. During this COVID thing, we pastors are working very hard at providing relevant inspirational electronic worship experiences.Barry Jackson
Thanks for all the great work you are doing to help churches at this timeChristopher King
Thank you so very muchAnonymous
Thank you so much for the brilliant videos ready made for Christmas services this year. An absolute life-saver!Anonymous
Thank you for the blessing of the tiny advent poemsChristopher Baker
Thank you for all your do in providing quality resources for use in worship of all styles. For the new ideas and materials for Easter, Pentecost, Advent and Christmas and for all other times of the year. They are an inspiration and aid to bringing people to the throne of God and focusing on Him.Anonymous
Thank for sharing your creativity so generously.Rev Nick Atkins
Dear Sam and Sara Your resources are absolutely fantastic and have been used at St Matthew's Church Ipswich. The Advent 'Worship in the Waiting' is a brilliant resource too and am using on zoom services at the moment. Thanks so much for your supportive work God bless you NickAnonymous
Thank you for providing a wonderful range of relevant resources that really speak to usPastor Paige
Thank you for these wonderful resources!Paul Brencher
Brilliant resources. I'm going to use He's got the whole world in our zoom Christingle service this year! LucyEchunga Uniting Church
Thanks for your fantastic gift of online service resources, they have been a blessing this year to our congregation at Echunga in the Adelaide Hills, South AustraliaHeather Lowe
Thankyou for such excellent Advent Resources; and so accessible to all levels of faith from fully committed to just pondering!Anonymous
thank you for providing free resources.... so many cannot afford to payAnonymous
Dear Sam and Sara Hargreaves, after a first glimpse and listening to one of your mp3s I suspect that your site and content are a blessing for believers. Keep going! Best personal regards MarkusS Thiessen
The Advent Tiny poems are brilliant! Thank you for making this wonderful resources available to us. We will use that on our Facebook page over Advent. Our church is grateful! STSheila Anderson
Love your stuff!Adair Oosterbroek
So appreciate your ministry - it's my "go to" when I'm leading a service...love the resources!Amanda James
For many years I have valued engageworship ministry and even more so in this online worship season. So thank you from a very grateful minister in North London. Keep up the good work and be blessed as you are a blessing. Amanda JamesMyrtle Morrison
Thank you so much for your wonderful resources they have been a real treasure trove to us as a church and especially over lockdown. May God continue to richly bless your ministry. We are planning to use There's a time for Tears in a Service of Remembrance to remember and thank God for those who have died and especially in this season.Ros Leslie
I love your stuff - you are all doing an amazing job- thank you!Tanya Cook
Found some really great ideas and resources to help with our online worship services. Much needed at the moment. Thank you.Anonymous
Thank you for all you do and for producing such good resourcesAnonymous
Thank you so much for your ministry. I've just listened to your song, "There's a time for tears", which is beautiful. God bless you.mary patchett
thank you for giving so generously of your time and talents in a true example of living by faith every blessing be yoursSteve Motyer
Thanks for all you are doing! God bless you.Anonymous
Thank you so much for your ministry on this site and through LICC. I use your resources often in the worship that I lead and find it inspirational.Anonymous
Thank you for all your resources I have found many of them very useful and encouraging. May the Lord continue to use and develop your ministryRichard Venn
thanks love your stuff. keep goingAnonymous
Thanks for producing these resources. God bless you and those using and benefitting from their use.Janet Arbon
I intend using Pause/Pray in our future Zoom meetings. Thank you for all your resourcesFrances Shoesmith
We're so grateful for your resources, which enrich our worship on Zoom most weeks. Thank you!Frances Shoesmith
We're so grateful for your resources, which enrich our worship on Zoom most weeks. Thank you!John Collier
Thank you for sharing your creativity...
thank you
Gay Albers
Thank you for sharing your beautiful ministry! Your family music videos are a favorite for our congregation. You have helped us transition -- as a tiny, rural church -- to the online worship world.All Saints Allesley
We have been using your material and resources in our services and online groups, and they have been such a blessing to us and many others. Thank you very much.Angela Cooper
Your Children and family Daily worship activities have been invaluable for ideas with our Zoom Children's Club. I thank you for all the resources you have made available free of charge during this pandemic and I pray that you may flourish in all you future work to share the gospel in this way.Anonymous
Thanks so much for your resources in this lockdown season particularly. We have been really blessed as a church by using them!Stephen Wright
Thank you for providing this wonderful selection of resources. God bless you.Julie
Fantastic digital worship resources for remaining spiritually connected!Liz
Many thanks to the engage worship team for using your gifts and talents to serve the Church. Our Church has greatly benefited from the resources you have shared on the website. May the Lord bless you in all you do for Him!Simon
Thank you for what you're doing, they are a real blessing particularly at this time.Philip Simpkins
Thank you for some excellent resources which have been much appreciated as we have used them in worship.Phil Hughes
Thanks for your easter resources during the Lockdown. The church has really been blessed by them.Frances
Thank you for beautiful words and beautiful images and beautiful sounds - so needed in these difficult days.sarah hayes
Thank you for providing resources which have enabled us to produce on-line services which engage such a wide congregation. Your provision has made possible something I would not otherwise have attempted, and touches people in a way I could not have done.Pam
Thanks for helping us facilitate worship during this time of global upheaval and worldwide pandemic.Anonymous
Just a little encouragement for all the amazing ways you are resourcing the church! Sending this with prayers for you all and for engageworship.Julie
Thank you so much for this ministry. It has provided a wellspring of creative ideas for worship during this time of social distancing. Socially distant but spiritually connected!Jim
Thanks for all your great resources. I've used a number of them in worship and they have been well received.Anonymous
Thanks for your creativity and willingness to share .Rev. Gay Albers, USA
Thank you for your beautiful worship offerings! I am grateful that I can come and access fresh resources and ideas and be a part of your larger ministry. God bless you all!Anonymous
Brilliant, well crafted resources that really encourage greater creativity in worship. Thank you.Nick Butler
Thanks for all you do in developing innovative worship resourcesJane
Your resources are special and inspiring. May God continue your creativity and though it may you continue to bless others and share the Kingdom.Bryan
I just wanted to thank you for the many creative ideas you have helped me with as I have sought to engage people in worship at our services.Anonymous
Thank you for the Advent readings we used in our churchAnonymous
I used the Tiny poems on our Facebook page. Simple and 'different'! They fitted what I wanted to portray visually as well. Thank you!James Harvey
Thanks to you all for your amazing, creative and graciously available resources. I, and many that i speak to, are greatly blessed by who you are and what you offer. thank you.Anonymous
I have been sharing the tiny Advent poems on Facebook every day and have had many comments of appreciation from a wide variety of people. The poems really seem to capture the anticipation of Advent, and each one evokes memories and stirs feelings. Thanks so much. Just wanted to make a donation to show my own appreciation. Could we have some tiny Lent poems?!Mike Stock
thaks again for the brilliant resources you provide. There is always something stimulating to encourage us to make our worship varied while still being biblical and challenging. keep up the great workJen
Thank you so much for the thoughtful, inspiring, creative worship resources you gift to us each week.Anonymous
Thank you so much for your resources. For a small church they are unbelievably helpful!Anonymous
Thank you for the inspiration you give to the church. We have been in a two year vacancy (now happily filled) and your resources have helped us with some of those big services in the year. Your ideas are fresh and relevant, and we look forward to continuing to use your resources. May God bless you and the work your team is doing.Anonymous
Thank you for the excellent resources. We love your Advent poemsPamela Werner
Thank you for your work. I have recently found your work. It is thoughtful and I have found it quite helpful. I am leaving a donation for the Mary and Martha Slideshow which I plan to use this Sunday.Barry Rose
Thank you for enabling our proclamation of God's love through creativity.Joan Bower
Thanks so much for all your resources. They have been such a help to me especially at key times in the Christian calendar such as Easter and Christmas. There is material suitable for all ages and a range of format also. Thank you!Margaret Gooderham
Extraordinary website with amazing resources totally inspired by the Spirit. So grateful to God for your imagination and creativity. I often lead worship in a very small village chapel and not only am I inspired by also others in the congregation are too. Thank youAnon
What a wonderful gift Engage Worship has been. We used the resource "Wilderness Worship" and had one of the most meaningful Lents we have experienced. The ideas are fresh and adaptable. Thank you for being such a help to those of us who are Worship Planner and Leaders!Anonymous
Thank you so much for all the creative inspiring resources you supply which are appreciated by all in the church family and a great resource/blessing to us as a group.Anonymous
I loved your advent resources! Thank youJohn
So grateful to God for the creative resource that is "engage worship". As a lay service leader the ideas, thoughts, reflections, powerpoints have proved invaluable.Stuart
Thank you for the resources you provide, they are such a blessing.Jill
Thank you for all these wonderful resources!Barry Rose
Thank you, we have been blessed by the resources that you have provided.Anonymous
Thank you for your imagination and creativity that helps me and many others to use our own imagination and creativity to help others to use theirs !Shirley DeLarme
Thank you for sharing your creative ideas. They inspire me, and they add to our worship. Your generosity blesses the generosity of God.wbrian taylor
Lord Jesus - you used everyday people and everyday situations to convey and illustrate the divine truth - bless this resource so freely offered in your Name that your truth may reach out to today's generation - "The glory shall be all your own, the blessing, Lord, be ours." AmenTracey
Thank you for offering these ideas for worship and engagement. I live in the USA and found this resource by divine intervention. I hope to use these in my congregation. Congratulations on 10 years.Paul Hutchinson
Thanks for the resources guys, they're really helpful for my church. Keep up the good work!Anonymous
The Remembrance Day prayers on PowerPoint were very well received - thank you!Anonymous
You regularly offer alternative worship ideas that are a bit of fresh air. Thank you(Rev) Brian Hoare
Thank you for these excellent resources. Keep up the good work and God bless your ministry.julie
I love the resources. I want to use them for our carol services. They are so accessible to the non-christianPat Bartker
Over a number of years I have found excellent resources for use in school and church. Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing. God Bless you.Nick Grew
I've found my passion for creative worship re-energised by your ministry - thank you!Anonymous
Thank you keep up the good workon the website
Your work is excellent, something I enjoy doing myself as a writer and pastor, but just didn't have the time to prepare. It will fit in well with the song I have written, Song of Wonder, for our Christmas Eve service. This is a valuable resource!Anonymous
I do a lot of pulpit supply and I love your liturgy.Lesley
Thansk you so much for all your resources. God bless you!Lesley
Thank you so much for all your resources. God bless you.Carol
Sustaining God Your Word sustains us, helps us grow as we reflect on various reflections prepared by Engage worship team. Bless them Lord as they bless your holy name. Amen.Anonymous
Thank you for a really helpful resourceSneha
Thank you for your wonderful creative resource that is changing how many of us do worship. We use your ideas in our house group occasionally and they are an amazing blessing to all of us. May you continue to be fruitful for God and His Kingdom.Dave Faulkner
Thank you for the rich, varied, creative, and edifying resources on the site. God bless you.Anonymous
Thanks very much for the wonderful, creative and relevant resources you have created and share. May God continue to bless this ministry.Gwen Wolford
Lord, I give thanks for this ministry which gives me so many great ideas to lead in worship and for the ways that You have used them to bless me and the people you have called me to serve. Please continue to bless this ministry with the provisions needed to fill the coming years with exciting worship materials and meaningful messages and training. Multiply the gifts of your servants in order that your kingdom would grow here on earth as in heaven. AmenTerri
I pray that God continues to use this ministry. I just found this website and have been blessed alreadyAndrew
I was looking for a poem to assist at this morning's service and found this site. I am sure in future I will return again to make use of the material as the spirit leads. The thoughts of. "we are one in Christ" perfectly meet the theme for this morning's word.Charlie
This is one of the best tools I've ever come across. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I celebrate your grasp on God's creativity, wonder, and desire for us to be moved emotionally (not just intellectually). Blessings!Pippa
A big thank you for the resources you offer us. They are so helpful as we seek to put together services that engage people in a thoughtful and thought-provoking way.Paul McCreary
I learned of the website from reading Whole Life Worship, which has inspired me in my Christian walk and in leading worship. The website is a great resource to use for creative, Christ filled resources which can be used in personal and corporate worship. Thank you Sam and Sara for setting this up.Anon
A very helpful, creative and sound internet based worship forum. I encourage your staff to continue the much appreciated ministry you bring to the body of Christ...blessAnonymous
Heavenly Father Thank you for the creativity of all those who develop the resources for gathered worship in Engage Worship. Continue to inspire them by your Holy Spirit and use the results of their work to bless and build your church that we in turn might glorify your name. In Jesus name AmenAnonymous
I have just found your site while searching for ideas to worship with Youth. I found it creative and inviting; a worship resource that can help me as I strive to bring the youth I know into a living relationship with the Living God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Heavenly Father, you are a creating God and Our Worship should be living and vibrant. Continue to bless this ministry with your Creative Spirit and New Life. AmenAlicia Holmes
Many thanks for great resources.Jess
We are going to use your Easter scripts at a Holiday camp in Deva, Romania next week! Thanks! JessAnonymous
Thank you Lord for the engageworship who provide resources to help up in our worship. I pray your blessings upon them and grant wisdom that they continue to be a blessings to all generation. In Jesus's Name. Amen.Mary Connell
Thanks for all the great resources. May God continue to bless your ministry.Christopher Baker
Thank you for creating such user friendly resources for worship. Being someone who preaches and often leads worship at our church, I've found that they've inspired and uplifted me in preparing for services and have enabled me to enter into worship more easily, particularly as I'm someone who doesn't find the idea of intimacy with God very easy. Thank you again.Fay Golding
Thank you for the wonderful work you do. I can always find something on your site to complement what I am planning. Thank you.Rev. Sandy Olewine
Thanks for helping to spark, support and sustain creative and engaging worship. I appreciate the resources so much. May God's Spirit continue to inspire you as you offer those of us in the local church new ways to share the great Good News of Jesus.Anonymous
Thank you so much for all you do. It's both inspirational and very practical. May God continue to bless us all and others through your ministry. With love Penny xRev Rach
Thank you so much for all your wonderful resources and for coming up to sunny Grange over Sands to lead 2 brilliant days of outdoor worship, one with the local schools and one for the church. We love using your material.Stella at Cornerstone Resources
Until I started looking for resources for Schools and Churches to use, I had not come across Engageworship. Now, I pass your name on to lots and lots of people. You are brilliant and gifted. My prayers are with you for the next 10 years. Well done to you all.Val T.
I pray that God will provide the insights, and continued motivation and zeal to use your gifts in enabling worship. May His grace and peace be yours always.Pat Barker
I have enjoyed looking at and using your resources over a number of years - thank you to yourselves and your contributors for your generosity of spirit and for your ministry of the Word.Chris
Thanks for the brilliant resources that have help me in leading services. You are a team of gifted people that share what God has given you to benefit others.Jane Thompson
Thank you for the inspirational resources which have added to worship in 2 churches I have belonged to. Happy Anniversary.Graham S
My wife and I have recently been commissioned to lead Anglican services in the diocese of Winchester, and we have found your website content a useful resource. Keep up the good work, and thank you.John & Sue Hargreaves
Continuing encouragementAnonymous
Thank you so much for all your creative ideas and resources - love them!Douglas McClure
Really enjoyed finding your site. Truly enjoying the resources.Anonymous
Thank you for helping us to add so much more to the worship life of our church. Happy Anniversary - here's to the next 10 and beyond.Jen
I am so grateful for your creative worship ideas!Susan T
I LOVE engageworship! What an incredible gift to the local church! The ideas are excellent both as-is and also as a jumping-off spot for creating new experiences for worship. I'm very grateful for the work you do!Karen
Thanks for the many and varied resources, Happy anniversary.Neil Walker
Kingdom service may feel tough at times, but is ultimately rewarding. Be assured, too, that your work is highly valued, widely used and much appreciated. Looking forward to the next 10 years.ES
Very much appreciate this amazing resource. Thank you for enabling so many to worship in diverse and creative, yet authentic ways. God bless your next ten years.caroline lamb
Thank you a great resource and so easy to useLouise Mathieson
Your site is a great place for inspiration and ideas! I've often appreciated finding just the right thing and also happily recommended it to many others. Praying God will continue to bless and sustain your ministry.Lisa
I have appreciated your creativity in presenting worship resources that I know are theologically congruent, and relate to the real life and experience of worshippers; connecting them (us) with God. thank youAnonymous
I've used a few of your materials and experienced others of them in various settings. What you are doing is a valuable resource for helping the church engage people in worship. Thank you for using your creative gifts in God's service.colin Baldwin
Thanks for the inspiration, your ministry affects so many people that you don't even know about.Roger Blofeld
Always look to your site for new ideas; never disappointed. Bless you for all you do.Rev. Casey Cain
Thank you for creative, truthful and meaningful resources. I have used them several times in a variety of worship services. Please use this donation to help continue your vital resource for those of us who are fortunate to have discovered your gem of a website.Fran Smettem
Your resources have provided inspiration at times when I haven't known where to turn. Thank you for encouragement you haven't known you were providing!Sarah Atkin
The resources you provide are invaluable. Many thanks !Anonymous
when asked what other resources we used in creative worship at a workshop run by the Diocese recently I mentioned your website. I hope others took this on board.Arthur Cowburn
Thank you for a vibrant, creative, useful resourceJohn Tasker
Thank you so much for engage worship's inspiring resources.Wendy Van Den Bergh
I have found lots of good inspiration on the Engage website for use in our All Age informal worship service. This is a great resource and is on my favourite 'first stop' sites.Anonymous
Very grateful to engageworship for all their resources (and to Resound too). Pleased to contribute towards the present and future.Lyn
It's great to know that there are creative & Godly people out there making creative & Godly ideas available for less creative but still Godly people to use to shine His glory to all. Thanks, you are greatly appreciated.Rev Fiona Ellingham
Thank you for all the creativity you collectively produce. Our Carol service last year used a great variety of your resources including "welcome to our world", the interactive reading of John 1, the Christmas Intercessions and we regularly use the week52 resources for our Messy Church celebration time. The journals are great resources too as single pages as take home sheets. May God continue to bless you richly.mari
God bless your work. Love your creativity. Keep up the good work.Rev John Cowan
Thank you for all the great resources that enhance worship!Kathy Seibel
engageworship is my first stop to look for resources to include in our worship services. Thank you for providing such relevant material on the lectionary!Rev. Ian McManus
Thank you for all the creative ideas. I have used several of the different prayer activities for Christmas Day worship and at various other times during the year.Rev. Melissa A Fox
As a Worship Leader, I am always seeking new ways to help people engage with God's beauty and truth. Engageworship is an awesome collection of creative, inspirational resources. I have used several of the scripts and worship service ideas, plus I have been inspired to include aspects in our own worship planning. I appreciate you and hope you will be around for a long, long time. It is my pleasure to give a birthday gift to celebrate Engageworship!jcooper2740@gmail.com
Thanks for the helpful resources you publish.Joanne Gibson
Thank you to all who contribute in any way, for all the resources available.Anonymous
I use your material regularly and appreciate that you allow this use for free.Rev. Tom Hagood
God's blessings on your next 10 years!Anonymous
Just thanks for your resources and ministry and the timely reminder that just because you can download for free doesn't mean it costs nothing to make.Andy Connolly
As someone who is exploring what it means to authentically worship, I thank you for the creative work that you continue to do. We have been blessed at All Nations Christian College by the resources and ideas that you have freely given. God bless you!!Julie
Thank you for great resources.Hilary
Engage worship resources were so helpful when I was leading a Baptist congregation with limited income and no worship leader. Being able to worship in creative ways without music was so encouraging. Unfortunately the church was not sustainable and had to close but I have continued to use and re-use the material in my current situation. I have recently purchase the 'Worship in the wilderness' and the 'Simple worship' books for use in small groups. Thank you for your ministry, I have really appreciated it and been inspired by it.Mark Rice
May God richly bless you in your continuing ministry.Karen
Thank you for your ministry to those of us who seek inspiration in our own ministries! I so appreciate your website.Sarah Atkin
Thank you for wonderful resources and great blessingsKim
Thanks for all the wonderful, creative ideas.John Waldron
Many thanks for your creative resource. Its an inspiration!John Tasker
Thank you so much Sam and Sara for enabling us to have these wonderful resources for worship. I used the Christmas video 'You bring peace' on Remembrance Sunday last month, followed by an invitation to light a candle as a sign that the light of Christ will come into our situation. Everyone in the all age congregation came forward to do just that!Rev Jane James
Thank you for all the inspiration.sara alexander
I am always looking for fresh ways to engage teenagers in worship and your website is a wonderful tool for that. Thank you for this excellent resource.Harold
You have consistently been a source of high quality worship resources, ones both creative and thoughtful. And full of faith. Thank you so much for so being so generous, building up the body of Christ and enhancing its ministry!Anonymous
I just discovered this wonderful website! I have truly been enjoying all of your creative ideas, and would love to support this work through prayer and through donations. Can I send a donation from the US using my debit card? May our good Lord continue to inspire and direct you as you lead others in developing and providing creative and engaging worship!Christine Smaller
Thank you for all you do.Erika
I found engageworship by chance searching for contemporary praise ideas to use in a small Church of Scotland youth event amongst 16 teenagers - it went down a storm and now its one of my go to resources - Thank you team for all the work you doDr Sandra Brower
I did my doctoral research on the theology of worship and I teach units on worship at Cliff College, a Methodist college in Derbyshire. I've been using Whole Life Worship as one of the core texts for the unit on Resourcing Worship, and it's great to have resources like this (and the website) where I can direct students engaged in the practical task of planning worship. So thanks for how you contribute to this vital task of the Church.Margery
Loving God, you have graciously given gifts to your people to build up, encourage and inspire our worship. Bless them now as by your Spirit you bring new and fresh ways of sharing the Good News of Jesus, Immanuel, God With us , Prince odf Peace and hope of the world. AmenAnonymous
We've found the Engage resources inspiring and useful over the years, and in particular the idea of "Unfinished Worship" is one that has made a profound difference. Most recently we have been using the Whole Life Worship material for a Sunday series and in our small groups, and have had a lot of positive feedback about both content and the resources. One group said there was so much in the video clips they watched one three times in a row!Anonymous
Loving God, Thank you for the creativity that has inspired this website. May these resources be used to inspire others and in turn lead more to worship, to know you and your love. amenJon & Sarah JOY
Congratulations on ten years! May God bless you even more mightily, from inspiration to brain to pen to keyboard to the download click, and beyond.Matt & Eils
Engageworship has come to my aid many times when I've needed a creative prayer idea, some corporate gathering liturgy, all-age resources - all kinds of things. And Sam and Sara are generally marvellous, creative and godly people. Thanks for all you do! Blessings for the next ten years.Gail Adcock
I've always been impressed by all that engageworship offer the Church! Congratulations on reaching this significant milestone! Sam and Sara made a big impact on our weekend event with family workers and opened all our eyes to the possibilities of worshipping creatively! Away from the norm and exploring how we can meet with God in a diverse range of ways and settings. I recommend your resources constantly - the family journals especially have been a regular in workshops I've led with children, youth and family workers. Keep doing all you do and be even more brilliant! The Church needs you!!AdAM
Engage Worship has been a very much valued part of my life for quite a few years now! Being a part of the EngageBand (I'm never that sure how to write it! Ha ha!) has resulted in much travelling to varied and interesting destinations (usually churches or conferences) and even more fun-filled creativity and music-making (the rehearsals are never long enough for me!), but I think over all of the other rich blessings that have been brought into my life through this ministry stands the new friendships I have made along the way! Sometimes I get really tired in ministry, but even in those times it is always a joy to rock up somewhere with Sam and Sara and others and just sit under their humble and capable leadership and to press down piano keys at the right time (most of the time I hope!) Thank you! May the Lord bless you and the entire Engage family!Jeremy Perigo
Anytime I need creative, contextual, smoking hot, theological rich, sleek, pastorally sensitive, biblically infused worship content, I GO TO ENAGE WORSHIP!! Congrats to Sam and Sara on 10 years!!! I can't wait to see what the next 10 years holds for this amazing ministry.
Arben Xhako
Sara and Sam taught at the first ever Worship School in Albania, in a country that even wrought in constitution that God don't exists. Thanks Sam & Sara and kids and thank you engageworship!Alwyn Frost
So many thanks for your time in Hemingford Grey. Blessings on your future ministryKaren Langtree
I first met Sam and Sara a couple of years ago when they led a retreat at Wydale for our young people and parents. They overwhelmed us with their simple and effective worship leading and we all felt drawn closer to God. Recently I went on the Harrogate Whole Life Worship event and the day was utterly brilliant. I came away fired up to follow God's calling to lead worship, wherever he puts me. That was a very emotional moment for me. And who knows, I may even get back to some more prolific song-writing. Happy Birthday Engage!Stuart Mitchell
Congratulations on 10 years and every blessing for the futureJoel Payne (Resound Worship)
I've been privileged to work with Sam and Sara from the very first day of engageworship and full of admiration for the way their ministry has grown, contributors have emerged from all kinds of places generously giving their talents, and their influence in the wider worship scene has been firmly established. At Resound Worship we've had several opportunities to partner with them on projects and we love the way they bring a holistic approach to our rather more narrow world of songwriting. On a more personal level I've frequently used the resources in small groups, and my vicar at church is always turning up with a new engage prayer he has found. They are thoroughly influential across my worship life! Congratulations both of you. In the words of the apostle, 'I thank my God every time I think of you.'Timo & Gemma Scharnowski
Always creative, always honest, always biblical, always fun. We love Engage!Neil Hudson from LICC
Things change when people start conversations that begin with the immortal words: 'What if?' That's how LICC's partnership with Sam and Sara began. In a coffee shop, wondering what might be possible. We knew that too much of the church's worship is cocooned in the spheres of the sacred and the firmly private areas of life. We knew that if we are to see the culture of the UK church change so that whole life discipleship becomes the norm for every Christian, we need to help worship leaders have the vision and the resources to introduce change on the ground in local church communities all across the nation. That's what Whole Life Worship has made possible. Working with Sam and Sara has been eye-opening, energising and envisioning. We are so grateful for their partnership with us. They make things possible. Making things simple takes really depth of understanding and years of experience. So congratulations on this first decade. May God bless you in all that lies ahead as we continue to pray that God will draw people to himself and then send them out to serve him in his world - wherever that may be.Jo Squires
You guys are awesome. Your creativity and passion to make things excellent is an inspiration. Happy 10th Birthday Engage Worship!!Peter Cunliffe / St James' Church Hemingford Grey
Sam and Sarah brought engageworship to us personally as our Worship Ministers back in 2008 and for a couple of years. They changed the worship landscape and made us hungry, not for more rock but for more encounter with our living God. Thank you Sam and Sarah and Engageworship for all you did and continue to do to bless the Church.Bob Hartman
Such fun to work with you on Area 52, at Spring Harvest and in other places. Praise God for his goodness.Dave Hopwood
It has been a pleasure to be involved, contributing bits of writing to AREA 52 and getting to know the engageworship team. Bless you folks for the next 10 years!Sunil Chandy
Felicitations on your anniversary.Amy Robinson
In our context, a little rural church, it has been great to have so many creative ideas flooding in from you. Thank you!Stuart Gray
Eils Osgood
Happy birthday guys!! Engage worship has been a huge blessing and incredible resource to me over the past ten years, even in the variety of roles I have had in that time. I can remember in my days working at Tearfund, organising a student conference which Sam and Sara came to and provided all kind of creative ways of praying, and helped us to bring worship and justice together in such an inspiring way. Since then, first as a worship director and now in the last few years as an ordained minister, engage is so often my 'go to' place when I am planning gathered worship and looking for ideas and resources to enrich the experience for those I will be leading. I have greatly appreciated attending some of the training that Sam and Sara have run over the years too - always really thought provoking and highly practical, with easy to implement suggestions that bring more breadth and depth to the way I lead worship. THANK YOU Sam and Sara, you are such a gift to the church. Happy Birthday!