We're teaching a Whole Life Worship day for our friends in the God For All ecumenical partnership in Cumbria. It is open to anyone and you can book yourself in by using this link to their booking page.

Tickets £10 including lunch

A day for all who are involved in putting together, and leading, Sunday services. Offering Resources, creative ideas and fresh insight. 

Sunday by Sunday we gather: the ‘retired-busy’ crowd, the ‘living-life-to-the-full’ crowd, the ‘uncertain-in-faith’ crowd, the ‘juggling-work-and-family’ crowd. We all come together in worship, expressing our unity in Christ and our deepest desires to follow him in every area of our lives day by day.

So how can our worship on Sunday empower us for the lives we long to live for Christ out in the world throughout the whole week? Come and join Sam and Sara Hargreaves as they explore with us ways we can help this happen. They will offer practical wisdom, as well as a host of resources and ideas that are easily transferable to our own context – whatever the size, or context, of our local church


Beaconside School
Hutton Hill, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 8EN