I do so appreciate the variety of your resources and helping me to think outside the box and dare to experiment!
Thank you for these beautiful, inspiring and creative resources. They are such a blessing.
Pete Deaves
Thank you for all the wonderful resources you produce. These are biblical and creative - and so useful especially for our monthly half hour family praise. Keep up the good work!
Pastor Carol
Engage Worship has provided me with so many worthwhile resources and there is always something new in development that allows us to share God's word afresh and inspire those we lead in worship
Michael Birrell
Thank you so much for this wonderful resource. It will make our workplace online carol service very special.
Thank you for this resource which I found to be just the thing I needed for myself and then to share with my Life Group at church at Christmas.
Lindsay Caplen
I love what you share with us. Rich theologically, creative and declaring Christ as Lord of the big picture and Christ as Lord in the every day lives of every day followers of Jesus.
I always find something inspirational to share with the congregation. Thank you for the creative gifts of all those involved, you are a blessing to those of us with different gifts.