We Need You!

Become a Friend of Engage Worship

Become a Friend of Engage Worship by giving regularly to this ministry, or support us with a one-off donation. The support we get from you allows us to create usable, adaptable and most often free resources, which make a difference to thousands of churches in the UK and across the world. We need to double our monthly income from gifts - you can make this happen!

Watch this video for some real-life examples of the difference your gift can make in a local church like yours.

You can help us secure more reliable funding for this ministry. Monthly giving means that we can count on your support into the future. It helps us plan responsibly, and take bold steps for the glory of God and the service of his church.

That’s why we’ve launched Friends of Engage Worship. If you sign up to support us monthly, you will be the first to hear our news, be given sneak previews into new resources, and receive prayer updates, all through a quarterly e-newsletter. 

We'd also love to bless you with a small thank you gift when you sign up. When you sign up to give £5 or more per month we’ll send you a pack of our beautiful new Encouraging Scripture Postcards. They are a way of showing our appreciation for your support.

If you can't give regularly then we are also incredibly grateful for any one-off gifts too, which may also be Gift Aided. 

What does your giving support?

Your generosity helps fund everything we do as Engage Worship - here are three particular projects we want to highlight:

Free Worship Resources

Our website has over 500 searchable, adaptable and FREE worship resources, which are used by thousands of churches. In the past year our team went through every single idea in turn, updating text, PowerPoints, links, and making sure everything was up-to-date and usable.

We will keep providing these resources which are a lifeline for many local pastors and worship leaders. And over the next year we’ll continue to develop and update our website so it can serve you even better.

Whole Church Worship

We launched this book back in March, and have been training people in intergenerational worship at events and conferences since then. 

We’re excited that Whole Church Worship will be an ongoing resource for us beyond the book. We have begun creating printable Whole Church Worship sheets for use during intergenerational gatherings, to help all ages engage together in the Bible and discussion. We’ll also be continuing to train church teams in how to plan and lead these kinds of gatherings through events and webinars.


We currently have a cohort of 10 young worship leaders journeying through our one-year programme of mentoring and input. We’re seeing these young people grow and develop in their faith, in leadership and in setting healthy rhythms. Hear the story of one of these leaders in the video at the top of the page.

As we go into 2025 we’ll expand our mentoring programme, and continue to run our growing termly retreats for young worship leaders. Our vision is to stem the tide of leaders burning out or being discouraged, and instead see a generation of healthy, sustainable worship leaders rise up. Find out more about the Evergreen project on its website.

Some Important Details

Your giving goes to the Music and Worship Foundation CIO (#1175280), the charity which runs Engage Worship and our Evergreen project. We are overseen by a board of trustees. All the money we receive from your gift goes to resourcing this ministry.

We’ve recently added a better online giving platform which allows you to set up a Direct Debit with us. At any time you can amend or cancel your giving by clicking on View Account and then Your Giving when you are signed in to the website. 

If you have an existing PayPal regular donation set up with us and you’d like to amend the amount or switch to giving through Direct Debit, you also do this via the Your Giving page. If you have a Standing Order set up with your bank which you wish to amend, you can either do that by contacting your bank to change the amount (this won’t show on our totaliser), or by cancelling your Standing Order and setting up a new monthly payment through our Donate page.

If you'd like to give through any other means (BACS, CAF bank, standing order etc) please email us with any questions.

If you are a UK taxpayer who has paid enough tax you can also fill in a Gift Aid form, meaning we can claim back a further 25%.