Engage Worship is an expression of the Music and Worship Foundation CIO, a charity that has served since 1984. We aim to resource the local church for creative, sustainable and world-changing worship - read more about this vision here.

This vision is achieved through:

  • Running training days and workshops at churches, conferences and events, and teaching for colleges such as London School of Theology and St Mellitus.
  • The development of this website, as a searchable resource for creative worship ideas and articles. 
  • Leading worship services, celebrations, and other events, to inspire participative worship from the whole church. Resourcing conferences such as Spring Harvest, denominational days and retreats.
  • Our published books and printed resources, such as The Rest Is Worship, Resurrection People and How Would Jesus Lead Worship?
  • Evergreen is our new ministry to provide support and formation for young worship leaders aged 18-35, through retreats and mentoring. 
  • We also writes and release worship songs. Visit our Spotify page. Sam helps to lead Resound Worship and the 12 Song Challenge, (hear his songs on Spotify). 

We are aiming to take people broader and deeper into all that worship can be. We are committed to excellence and breadth in music, but also exploring other forms of worship and creativity in church. We are particularly interested in the intersection between worship and other areas of life - worship and mission, worship and the outdoors, worship and creativity... and so on.

To support this ministry, please consider making a donation or setting up a direct debit via our Donations page.

About Our Team

Sara and Sam Hargreaves

Sam and Sara were both trained at London School of Theology in Theology, Music and Worship. Sam was on the faculty in the Worship Department at LST for five years, and now returns as a regular guest lecturer. Both Sara and Sam have Masters degrees from King's College London. In 2017 the Royal School of Church Music gave them the Associate award for services to worship in the UK.

They moved to Luton in 2011 where they are active volunteers of St Luke's, Leagrave. They are co-leaders of a missional community in a local park called Park Church.

Previous to this, Sam worked part-time as Worship Minister at St James', Hemingford Grey, Cambridgeshire between 2008-2010, and before that they both served at Ascension, Balham Hill for five years, developing the worship among adults and teenagers. 

Gemma Scharnowski

Since February 2021 Gemma has been employed part time to grow and strengthen our work, especially among young adults in a project called Evergreen. As a graduate of LST’s Theology, Music & Worship programme, she is passionate about the local church and equipping it for creative and engaging worship in all settings. 

Gemma is both a visual artist and a musician. She has previously worked for local churches both in a creative and administrative capacity.


About Our Trustees

Engage Worship is a ministry of the Music and Worship Foundation CIO. This charity (registered with the UK Charity Commission - Charity Number 1175280) has been running for 40 years (although changed to the "CIO" status in 2018). A group of trustees oversees the work, ministry and finances of our organisation.

Hannah Hodges, Chair of trustees - Hannah works at Nexus Institute of Creative Arts alongside serving as a worship leader at St Mark's Coventry. She is passionate about singing, songwriting for the church and winning Mario Kart. 

Andrew Mitchell, Vice-chair and Secretary of the charity - Andy runs his own business, JM Lecterns, and is experienced at leading worship.

Ron Jones - Ron has been a mainstay of MWF’s events and ministry for many years, alongside music ministry in his local Baptist Church. He plays the piano, organ, guitar and bass.


Mwidimi Ndosi - Mwidimi is a University Lecturer and Health Researcher in Bristol. Originally from Tanzania, he has experience in training and leading worship in congregations and groups. He worships at Woodlands Church in Bristol and plays the guitar and bass. 

Damian Herbert - Damian is Transformation Programme Director for the Diocese of Worcester, also bringing 8 years’ experience as a Worship Director and over a decade with BIG Ministries. 

Sylvia Kalisch - Sylvia is Finance Secretary for St Michael's Church Chester Square in London with large experience in the charity sector, she loves singing in choirs and worshipping in church services.

Nicholas Bennett, Treasurer - Nick is a worship leader, songwriter, accountant and director of Marble Beers.


Naomi Buckler - Naomi is a freelance fundraising consultant with over 20 years of experience in the Christian charity world as volunteer, donor, staff member and trustee. She sometimes leads all-age services at her church (where her husband is worship leader), and loves singing in choirs.