This poem develops the familliar ideas from 1 Cor 13. It touches on some of the more difficult aspects of love. It turns towards the source and high point of love - Christ's death on the cross.

Extract from the poem:

Love is patient and kind.
It is not jealous or conceited or proud.
Love is difficult,
often calling to us when we are busy.

Love is in the small things.
It can feel insignificant, too small to count.
Love rarely makes headlines
yet it can change someone's world.

Love goes against the flow,
cuts against the grain, points to the narrow road.
Love can feel like trudging up hill,
battling against the wind, walking a lonely path.

But God is love.
And God has walked these ways before us.
Love is pinned on a skyline,
nailed to a darkened, belittled cross...

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